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I had a request for a generic fixture but the info I gave for the DMX chart was erroneous. The web source I had was different from what I got in the box. In my haste, I missed the link in the forum about how to make your own profiles, and so now I have the Scanlibrary Editor program open.

Wish me luck! It's a six channel what looks like a par56 with 6R,6G,6B. We'll see how it goes! Sorry about the mixup.

Please disregard the email from lostmachine at hotmail dot com.
Hello, My name is Nick Schaefer I run a sound and lighting company and we're smaller and do install so we rent or have to add new fixtures alot. last time i requested this I got the wrong profile and i had to program it old school on the faders. Hopefully this manual helps.
Is it possible to get this by wednesday so I can arrange to test this profile out it would be greatly appreciated, thanks

Lighting profile:
Extreme Platinum 5r beam Spot

Nick Schaefer
S&S Sound Lighting & AV
I'm looking for a profile for a moving head made by MS Lighting model MHLED-30B. Last years 13 channel version.

Unfortunenatly I can't seem to find a manual for the light. Any help possible or do I need to ditch them and get new lights?
Last edited by Former Member
Originally posted by Jingles:
Ok, well let me know once you have more info for me.

I was able to map out almost all of the channels but, this light is not responding on all channels every time

I managed once to get all buy CH 11 to do their thing but now all I can get it to do is X/Y movement, I can hear the focus motor moving, and macro movements only no light.... very strange....

Here's the DMX info I could get

Manufacture MS Lighting
Model: MHLED-30
13 Channel

CH1 Pan 0-255

CH2 Tilt 0-255

CH3 Pan Fine 0-255

CH4 Tilt Fine 0-255

CH5 X/Y Speed 0-255 Fast - Slow

CH6 Color 0-16 White, 17-31 Red, 32-47 Green, 48-63 Blue, 64-79 Yellow, 80-95 Pink, 96-111 Lime Green, 112-127 Light Blue, 128-191 Color Scroll Clockwise slow to fast, 192-255 Color Scroll Counter Clockwise slow to fast.

CH7 Gobo 0-18 Open, 19-37 Gobo 1, 38-56 Gobo 2, 57-75 Gobo 3, 76-94 Gobo 4, 95-113 Gobo 5, 114-127 Gobo 6, 128-191 Gobo Wheel Spin Clockwise slow to fast, 192-255 Gobo Wheel Spin Counter Clockwise slow to fast

CH8 Gobo Rotation 0-9 No Func, 10-116 Clockwise Slow to Fast, 117-244 Counter Clockwise Slow to Fast, 245-255 Gobo Bounce Slow to Fast

CH9 Strobe 0-8 Closed, 9-16 Open, 17-239 Strobe Fast to Slow, 240-255 Open

CH10 Dimmer 0-255 0-100%

CH11 Unknown

CH12 Macros

CH13 Focus 0-255 Near to Far

I think CH 11 might be Functions: 0-44 No Func, 45-64 Pan/Tilt Move in Black, 65-234 No Func, 235-244 Reset, 245-255 No Func

Overall the light seems very similar to the Blizzard Ice-30 with minor differences such as no prism and number of actual channels.

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