Well, you're coming into this with a significantly higher knowledge and experience level than most people who are hitting this forum. It doesn't make what you have to say any less valid or applicable, but some of the concepts might simply be way past what a product like MyDMX was ever intended for.
I mean, let's face it, there are multiple categories here.
The people who use MyDMX are most likely not people using it ot make their living, or at least not their sole source of income. People who are using Compu Live or Compu Show might be. I am using MyDMX for a portion of what I do to make my living, but my main income is live sound(among other things). Even with my upgrades to Compu Show and Compu Live, they aren't going to be paying my bills any time soon, especially since i use live sound to drive the business.
People who are using the high-end desks are often in the category of "this is what I do for a living", and companies like Hog have ot listen to their client base to ensure they deliver a product that will do what the clients need to do. It's like buying a car, except actually more complicated because a lighting desk is going to do a hell of a lot more than a car can do!
As far as Jingle's suggestion, we definately need the color stuff, it's a must have. I can't stand and can barely use the color scheme in the dark. So much so that I think on my next trip to Fry's, I gotta get one of those USB lights!
As far as adjusting individual fade times channels, well, I could certainly see a need for it, but I don't think that's going to be something they'll addd. But, it can't hurt to ask!
For myself, I have to keep in mind who the intended market for a product is. When I was doing hardware development, I was working on various products that started with a top end product with 3 grades: Top, medium Top, and Not quite Medium Top. Basically, an industrial grade modem, but as we went down the heirarchy, we had to strip features out to help make cost-effective options. Even so, the cheap one was selling for well over $600. And yes, wwe're talkng pre x.90/92 times. But then again, how many of you ever worked with 2 and 4 wire lease line modems that could also do dial-switched? and had a true front panel control panel? Not many of you, I bet!
I'm STILL amazed at all the stuff they crammed into MyDMX for the price. It really blows me away. Even though I'm using Compu Show now out of necessity, I see no valid reason to get rid of MyDMX, as it has an ideal place. The fact that the develop STILL continues to listen to end users about the product and expresses at least a willingness to add some extra functionality shocks me, but in a good way. This isn't like Compu Show, where being an expensive product, MUST respond to users requests/demands, because you can't pull that crap with high end users. Even so, that doesn't mean they have to give into our demands either, but you do get heard!
I think ADJ does have to give a little bit to the users who bought into MyDMX and see about fixing some things and adding some token elements, but at a rate where they don't have to raise the price. Similarly, to remain competitive(and honestly, I don't know what competes with MyDMX), the have to keep adding features without raising prices to keep an edge over competition. This will attract new clients, who even though they are newbies, just are more demanding but often for no valid reason other than they can be.
Over the past 4 years, I've seen how a cheap product like MyDMX(and by cheap, I mean by pricing only) has HELPED my business grow, coupled with LED fixtures. And I'm not a DJ outfit. Equiped with a decent lighting rig, a DJ with MyDMX can easily charge anywhere from 25-200% more for their services based on adding MyDMX into the mix.
And yet, MyDMX hints they may be able to offer us more? That's amazing.
Maybe it's time for a MyDMX 2.0?