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There's always Compu Live.

I would think if you don't want the features of Compu Show or Compu Live, you want a low-mid range product, which would actually require probably stripping out tons of useful stuff from Compu Live.

Keep in mind what you're paying for MyDMX and look at the feature set. I mean, you're welcome to pay a few thousand dollars to get a console to do the same thing.

But if you're talking "Hey, I'd pay an extra $100 for those features", well, then you're talking something that starts to make more sense from a product to consumers point of view. I think maybe a new product. More than MyDMX, less than Compu Live. Yeah, I'd pay $100 extra for that. SEriously!

My move to Compu Show is dictated by business. It's the right product for where I'm going and what I'm doing. I need audio triggering, timeline functions and multi-cue functionality as well as bump to marker features.
Originally posted by jscott:
Well from reading more post. It seems like the devs are going to sway away from multi scene (cues). Pretty sad. I don't get why everyone has the Compu show mindset.. I don't want all the over bloated features and the huge learning curve just so I can have multi scenes at once. I don't care so much about audio triggering, show designer, good midi functions...

Multi scene is a huge request and if you sway away from it just cause its in cumpu show, then that just a poor move. There is tons more stuff in compu show aside from multi scene!

I know your going to point out the price of this product, but I wouldn't mind paying a extra $100 to maybe purchase a software upgrade if you all went the route. Mydmx has a clean interface and thats what I like.

There are certainly other programs that offer a ton more than MyDMX for the same amount of money, or a little more. Be sure you explore the other titles mentioned in the screen shots above. Wink
I think I find it rather funny that everyone wants multi scene and then someone says they are willing to pay $100 more for it which is what you can basically get Compu Cue Basic for and end up with a lot more functionality...

Of course you are naturally welcome to explore other options. The question you have to ask is if you are willing to give up the support and product stability for said options. Personally, my shows can run that risk.

Guys are drifting off topic again. This thread is about improving MyDMX, not flogging a dead horse over and over.

@jscott With the triggering thing it basically sounds like you want Marcos. They let you trigger different commands when you hit a scene and/or cue. Very useful tool but not sure if it would be useful in a single scene/cue stack situation.

As for the one effect thing, I think that is something that could be added easily. The way the Hog works is an effect simply layers on top of whatever fixtures you select, thus you can grab and layer as many different things as you want. Seems like a reasonable request.
Well, if a $100 gets you Compu Cue and the basics would cover this multi-cue stuff, then I think people need to jump up a level. The product exists. Sorry, I don't follow prices and I'm not familiar with Compu Cue or Compu Live yet. Those are items on my list of things to become competent on, right after I get through my events late in April and breakin Compu Show in a pressure cooker.

I mean, for the price, it would be nice if MyDMX COUlD include layering of scenes, but look at how you program it. I just don't see it happening.

People can go on and on about the free products that offer mega bang for little to no buck. Sorry I can't fly that way. Part of my mindset is stick with a commercially available product backed with technical support. That's MyDMX, that's the other Elation offerings.

You know, here's something that might be useful:
A checklist, sort of like what they put on the back of the Symantec Norton products, showing what product supports what, coupled with MSRP prices. I think something in an easy to read format that quickly spells out a lot of things would be really useful.
Figures, Compu live being slammed all over...

I am looking for something in the middle, that has a easy interface such as mydmx with Multi scene.

The thing is no one wants to meet in the middle. They just market a product, but then slam you with go with compu live cause we want to give a cheap product. What about the people that want a easy interface but with just a little more edge.

If you got all these people that are asking for a multi scene feature, but doesn't want to switch to a program that has more features than they need, then your not understanding what people truly want.
Has anybody here ever checked out emulation? Works in Mac and PC. It's from elation.
Check it out.

I have checked into it. I also seen the midicon.

I really would like to see it in action. You guys should really push out more videos on the software and controllers. A video like show designer 2. Although I don't plan getting a console just yet.

If I had to choose a console, I would chose from another manufacture (don't want to say from where) as it had a extremely well put together video, I wish show designer 3 had a video. As the console I was looking at is in the same price range.
I need audio triggering, timeline functions and multi-cue functionality as well as bump to marker features.

Don't need audio triggering, timeline functions, nor bump to marker features... Why I simply suggesting multi-cue and multi-cue only. It would still be a entry level product.

If it was up to me to chose, I would of gone with a higher end console, like show designer 3 (which I am unsure cause there are no demo videos) exciter, or hog, but since the fact we use lights 6 nights a week and I am only there 2 of the 6, I have no choice but to stick with mydmx since its so easy to used, the only complaint is the shows could be better, they want a set of lights doing one thing, while another are doing another, but they do not have the time or knowledge to sit down and learn programming and they don't want to. Its why we got mydmx.

I just don't get why you make a product and don't have any motivation to make it better just cause another product is out there. Who knows, work on mydmx and it could replace compu live one day.
Originally posted by jscott:
[QUOTE]I just don't get why you make a product and don't have any motivation to make it better just cause another product is out there. Who knows, work on mydmx and it could replace compu live one day.

MyDMX was developed as and intended to be a bare bones, simple DXM software package, and for this reason has become very popular with the Mobile DJ Market. Compu Live is used by major production companies, as they have the need for more features and power provided. ADJ is not going to make Their $300 software outperform their $1000 pro product, due to the simple reason of economics, plus I don't know if the interface box can handle it, as well as it would cost alot of money, as the program would probably need to be re-written from scratch.
This is where EMULation steps in, it is just about as powerful as its big brother Compuware, and includes an easy to learn interface. The only problem with it, is that you have to completely forget what you know now. The interface is totally different, and I must say very intimidating at first. You will need to lose any preconceived notions of how a DMX controller should look and work, as it looks like nothing else (I have ever seen) on the market, either Hardware controller or Software Controller.
Then this product is broken! Why broken? Cause you can't apply multiple effects to different sets of fixtures and most dj's do have multiple sets of fixtures. So your so called easy to use package just became a pain in the ass to use.

So I get it, you don't want to add one simple feature to add multiple scenes to run at once. So go back to ignoring everyone request and slam everyone to get a different product.

Those other products have more features than multiple scene feature. So I don't get why everyone is so dam stubborn about it. We asked for one feature, and your telling us go pay more for another package with 50 more features so we can just get the one dam feature.

Adding multiple scenes isn't going to compete with other packages, mydmx is intended for mobile dj's as someone just put it. People are still going to get compu live for production and what else they use it for.

We are asking for one feature!
I feel your pain. I wish it had the same feature as well. But Microsoft has different feature sets in it's software at different price points.
Windows 7 Home Premium
Windows 7 Professional
Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows 2008 Server
Do you call out Bill Gates for the same practice? I am not trying to argue with you, just making the point that when you spend less, you usually get less.

If you want another example, we'll keep it in the realm of hardware DMX controllers.
Elation DMX-Programmer $239.99 MAP
Elation Show Designer $2799.95 2CF MAP
Now the Show Designer has tons more features than the DMX-Programmer, but I don't see people demanding that Elation upgrade the hardware on the DMX-Programmer to have the same features.

Now, the developers may add what you are looking for, and they may not. This will be a decision made by the management of ADJ. If they find that the development time is not cost effective for a $300 product, then I am sorry to say that the feature you are looking for will not be added. ADJ is in business to make money, and they have to weigh cost/benefit for ROI on the development.

If it is that important to you, maybe we can get you the source code, and you can re-write the program for free, so everyone can benefit from the feature.
Last edited by Former Member
Spongebob, I forgot to close this thread. I have already sent in my list of features to our developers. I have gotten some feedback from them. however I will not say what they said as it is a internal communication between me and them. Sorry. I'll see if they will allow me to add this to the list. This thread will now be closed.

Thank you to all who have posted. We really appreciate your feedback. We shall see in the next coming months what happens.
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