In my experience, I am moving in the same direction Jingles is pointing you to. We have apparently come to the same conclusion independently. The biggest difference he is doing it and I haven't yet.
What I would do is essentially the same thing. Make your moves within other scenes. Do a lot of scene copying to save hassles.
In my case, I'm taking this a step further to address many of the concerns I have with my movers. Using steps(see a previous posting), I can have my Cans start to fade in/out, while letting my movers hit their mark. Using the 3D Visualizer, I can see if the movers are where I want and the color and gobo. What I can then do is copy that step(I think, I haven't done it yet) or add a step. I'm assuming this step will start by replicating the previous step. Then I go back to step 1 and blackout the movers. In my case, blackout is via a shutter. At any rate, have about a 2-second delay between steps and I should be good.
My reason is the same as yours:
I don't want people seeing the moving beam(unless that's the effect I want) and not the color wheel spinning and the gobo wheel moving when I'm going from scene to scene.
Let's also look at some of my scene settings.
Going simple, let's just assume my 8 64LED Pro's and my 2 identical movers. I can make scenes on my 64 LED Pros to match the colors of the mover's color wheel, so let's just say for sake of argument, that is 10 colors. So, I would have 10 scenes of the 64 LED pros set to the same colors as the color wheel in my movers.
So, let's say Scene 1 is: LED white and Mover White. This scene puts the mover pointing IN the stage as more fill. But step 1 is mover blackout to accomodate moving and color and gobo wheel movement, and step 2 just opens the shutter wide open.
Scene 2 is LED White, but with mover positioning, but shuttered off.
Making any sense? I'm tired, I apologize.
Let's put it this way, what you want can be done and doesn't require a whole lot of effort.
As I learn to use my movers more effectively, I am starting to better understand how to properly manage movement and changing the color and gobo wheels. I've come to the conclusion that while it may seem seem silly to have all this non-used yoke movement, it allows me to be a step ahead when I want to do other things.
I do a lot of copying and tweaking of scenes, so I save myself a lot of time.
I don't think making a profile adjustment is the right way to do it. The profile is the fixure's attributes, as it should be. The rest(say, your adjusted defaults) should be something you are in direct control over. You can always write down values and manually enter them in MyDMX to save time.
OK, back to transferring tapes. It's a thankless job. It's also not going well, but that's not a topic for here.
Use steps, it will help a lot and do what you want done properly. You can have Step 1 be your movement and fade portion at 2 seconds or less, then step 2 be your mover popping on. Should work good.