I have 4 vizi led spots and an Elation Magic 260 board.
I have set up the board so that scenes 1-4 move the heads to a 4 point circle with a yellow color. Scenes 5-8 do the same movement but with color blue. I have created 2 shows. Show 1 incorporates scenes 1-4 and repeats and show 2 incorporates scenes 5-8 and repeats.
In the song where these are used there are specific sections where I want the color to change, but if the heads are not in exact position when I change from show 1 to show 2, the movement becomes scattered so that they can set to position 1 and disrupts the look.
Ultimately what I'm looking to do is to be able to make a color change to the vizi spots without disrupting their current movements at specific cues in the music.
I'm doubtful this is possible with the board but will software allow me to do this and what kind of software would that be? The basic MyDMX or do I need to upgrade to something else?
Thanks All
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