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I have 4 vizi led spots and an Elation Magic 260 board.

I have set up the board so that scenes 1-4 move the heads to a 4 point circle with a yellow color. Scenes 5-8 do the same movement but with color blue. I have created 2 shows. Show 1 incorporates scenes 1-4 and repeats and show 2 incorporates scenes 5-8 and repeats.

In the song where these are used there are specific sections where I want the color to change, but if the heads are not in exact position when I change from show 1 to show 2, the movement becomes scattered so that they can set to position 1 and disrupts the look.

Ultimately what I'm looking to do is to be able to make a color change to the vizi spots without disrupting their current movements at specific cues in the music.

I'm doubtful this is possible with the board but will software allow me to do this and what kind of software would that be? The basic MyDMX or do I need to upgrade to something else?

Thanks All
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Sounds like you do need software but not my dmx. You would probably need Compu show. which is just a little bit more money than my dmx. But compu show will allow you too create what is called a switch. you can use a switch to override certain channels already in use but not disrupt the rest of the sequence already playing back. Make sense?
The compu cue basic is the entry level interface for compu show and it is around maybe no more than 200-300 more than my dmx. But it is REALLY worth the extra money. Soooo many features. compu show and compu cue basic are sold by our sister company, Elation Lighting. (if you want to downlaod the program to check it out let me know. The links on the above pasted URL are old. Don't download it. lol)
Sounds good. Looking through specs on the page wondering what the show and scene limitation would be (if any) and with emulation, would I still be able to have the heads follow along their shape path without disruption while the color changes?

Don't want to be out 500 bucks with something that my current board can do and nothing else.

Here is my scenario - if you have ever seen the pink floyd pulse video, I'm mimicking their show (programmed the whole concert actually) and especially the last song "Run Like Hell" the heads move in a predetermined path but change color during chord changes.

Thanks again
Hi Lance. The only limitations in emulation are you can have up too 48 "fixtures" patched in the program and you have up too 64 "cue lists" as you have 8 banks of 8 GO buttons. Yes you can run a circle shape in one cue list or go button and then on a different go button you have a few cues programmed into it with only the color channels effected for certain fixtures. This will allow you to override the shape's colors with the second cue list. Make sense?
Download Emulation for your MAc and check it out. It is free to download the only limitation is you can't output any dmx as you have not bought a cue cable. But the fixtures are somewhat represented in the "patch" section where the fixtures show up when you patch them. you'll be able to see intensity and color etc and even a small little grid for pan and tilt movements.
Let me know if you have anymore questions. also maybe you should check out the emulation forum section on the elation forums.

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