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My Show Designer documentation explains that a note arriving on a specific channel (as set up in the config menu) triggers a scene or show depending on note number (0-95 for scenes and 96-115 for shows). For example, note number 96 arriving on midi channel one triggers bank 1 show 1. Similarly, note 96 arriving on midi channel two triggers bank 2 show 1.

That's great, but what if I want I different note, say 97, to trigger that same program that is seemingly "hard wired" to note 96? Is it possible to change some setting in Show Designer so that is a bit more flexible? All I can find is the ability to change the receiving midi channel and number of "extra" channels. Maybe the design plan was to put the scene or show in the right place versus the note?

Guess I'm just looking for confirmation that I am already using the MIDI scene/show trigger as designed and not missing something in set up that would give me more flexibility.
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Yeah, you are using the midi trigger as designed. Not much flexibility but still much more midi control than most controllers. Most won't let you use programmed fades, etc. The only way I can think of to do what you want is to copy the show into that second "note" location - big waste of memory!
What are you doing with the midi control? Not many of us use it and I'm curious to see what others are doing.
You are right about how the MIDI notes are assigned. Most folks don't understand MIDI at all so we tried to keep the MIDI implementation as simple as possible and didn't allow the user to assign notes to memories. MIDI notes are what most people wanted as the control message when the Show Designer was first released. Unfortunately there are only 128 notes per MIDI channel so that is a major limitation right there. For the Show Designer 2 we used something different so all you have to do is play the scene and record the MIDI output. You can do that with your Show Designer if you have version 2.08 or later installed. There is also plenty of memory in my opinion so you can copy scenes and shows to other locations if you want to do it that way.

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