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This is my attempt to start a new thread
on the topic of setting up a Revo 4 in 256 Matrix mode and using the Text capabilities of the effects Generator to scroll text.

The discussion was incorrectly started by me in the July Profile Request Thread and there is some useful information there that was supplied by Jingles at the following URL.

I have since spent some time trying to get it working and will make another entry with what I have discovered and my follow up questions below.
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Here is what I have found so far:

1) When I use the RGBW profile called "revo iv 64x_256ch mode" the Text FX Generator Tab does become available. And I can use it to create some patterns with the light but nothing recognizable.

2) The reason the text is not recognizable is because the RGBW LED Pixels are not a single dot but instead they are in a 2x2 matrix of lights and each pixel is controlled by a single channel. Since the dots are spaced apart you will not be able to recognize the letters.

3) The pixels output in the following light pattern
R G R G . . .

These lights coresspond the the channels in the following pattern
3 4 7 8
1 2 5 6 . . .

4) Even though the lights are different colors next to each other they could still be used as individual pixels to create text characters, if you can get the software to look at them in that way.

5) In order to recognize the pixels individually I tried using a 16x16 matrix of single channels using a fixture that had only one channel. This would have worked fine Except that when I use a matrix of single channels the FX generator will not Display the Text Effects tab.

6) When using individual channels in 16x16 matrix I was able to get the software to recognize the pattern by using the advanced matrix setup and selected the order of the pattern to be


then to get the
3 4
1 2
sub pattern within the larger pattern
I selected the Cx as 2 and the Cy as 2
which showed me a 2x2 square with the numbers
1 2
3 4
then I found that I could slide the one down
and the 2 down and they would trade places with the 3 and 4 creating the sub pattern I needed

Then I click ok and it was perfect.

The only problem was that the Text effect generator will not show up when I am using anything less than the RGBW profile.

7) By experimentation I went to the scanlibrary editor and created a copy of the above indicated RGBW profile and tried to make it to be just the R channel. Then created the matrix to see if the Text FX tab was available - it was not.

8) I went back to the original and made it just the RGB 3 channels. Created the matrix to see if the Text FX tab was available - in that case it Was available. But that didn't solve my problem of only wanting to have one channel per light position without throwing off the other 2 channels.

After all of that Here is my question:

Can a single channel fixture be created that will trigger the Text FX generator tab to become available? If anyone can tell me how to do that - then this light will be able to generate moving text messages that will be readable. This light then would work in the same manner as the LED Messenger light - but the benefit is that you will be able to create the messages at the laptop and send them to the light.

Thank you for any input.

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