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Hey Everyone,

I'm working on a pre-production work for an upcoming production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, and I wanted to be able to incorporate the concept of letters "flying around" inside the brains of the characters.

To do that, I decided to leverage both the existing intels at the venue (Simi Valley Cultural Arts Center) and my own private stash of PocketScans (and two DJ/Scan RGs). The existing intels (Robe ColorSpot 575) were mostly easy, because their 22mm gobos are replaceable with minimal tools. The PocketScans were the challenge. I didn't need the existing 13 "DJ" gobo designs, but I did still need the large spot.

I disassembled one of the PocketScans and removed the gobo wheel, measured it, and modeled a NEW one in Google SketchUp. I then found an exporter for STL and DXF files, and saved the file as triangular polygons. I checked the vertices in both Blender and NetFabb Studio, then scaled it to 1:10, and uploaded it to a 3D printing company called in the Netherlands. They will sinterize in stainless steel. Here's a link to the model (and yes, it's that expensive to manufacture)...

Link to my custom PocketScan gobo...

From there, I had to get a little creative. The PocketScan uses two magnets and a magnetic sensor to establish the index position for the wheel, so I had to buy a replacement magnet ($0.75 at Michael's) and attach it to the wheel in the same location as the original. Also, since the new wheel was stainless steel, there was a greater magnetic draw. I had to reduce the size of the larger magnet on the PocketScan body to a point that would give the right reading in the sensor.

I'm now writing software (VB) to use with the Velleman USB to DMX box that will allow me to "spell" words as the spellers do. The software finds the next available letter on an instrument, then goes through a DMX macro that randomly positions the letter on the X/Y grid and turns on, then has the letter "drift" down, similar to The Matrix green screen. With the two big intels, six PocketScans, and the two DJ Scan RGs, I should be able to have ten letters up at once...

I'll post pictures as the project progresses...

- Sean Harrington
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Of course, you do realize you have voided your warranty, right?

Chances are, if you're doing these kind of modifications, you're not worried about the warranty because you could probably do most repairs on your own anyways.

I think the most important thing to see is that these fixtures can be modified to match needed applications. We're not stuck with what the maker provides for us.
But, I must say that their construction is rock-solid. Aside from the annoying red loc-tite rubbery stuff used on most of the connectors (and magnets, and lens mount, etc.), this was a VERY easy device to "hack"... no weird screw types or unrealistically fragile pieces.

I'd like to see other folks try to figure out ways to make these cool little devices work better/smarter... like maybe better light output using LEDs in the same lamp footprint, or leveraging one of the un-needed channels (like the laser) and figure out a way to incorporate dimming (even if it was via an external dimmer)...
Just curious... why didn't you just use a projecor to make the effect happen behind the contestants?

I do think it is SUPER cool that you made your own custom gobo wheel for your fixtures.

If you had a set of mighty scans, you could seriously have 20 possible letters to spell out a word.
A couple of reasons for not using one or more projectors for the letters...

- I will already be using video projectors behind scrim for a couple of scenes.
- Projectors that can "cut through" the brightness of the other stage lights would be in excess of 10k lumens, and those projectors are VERY expensive.
- The stage is fairly "deep" and if I did projections behind the actors, a lot of it might get missed. Whereas if I project on the proscenium and front stage areas, the whole audience can see it.

Mighty Scans would have been great, but they are more expensive, harder to come by, and I already own several PocketScans and am familiar with their quirks.

Thanks for the kudos, though, everyone. The newest version of the wheel should be here any day, and I will take and post pics.

- Sean
You can use weaker projectors to get through stage light, just depends on how you are using it.

This is a shot of a show I did a few years ago now. Front light is 6 Colortran Lekos lamped with 1000w FELs and gelled R16 in this shot. Over head is some S4 Pars gelled R80 and some Par 64s for effect. The projector is a little 3k Sanyo. The key with this, keeping light bleed under control and the fact that the projector surface is hanging so light bounce doesn't catch it and run up it.

Now this is a shot of another show, and you can see what happens when you you shot on a surface that goes to the floor and catches more stage bounce. (Sorry for the bad photo, ripped off a bad video of it). This is lit with 8 S4 Lekos lamped 750w extended life, 4 gelled R80 and 4 R33. Overhead is 8 S4 Pars with R80 and 8 with R21. The cyc is 4 Altman Econo Cycs lamped 1500w with R125 running at about 40%. Sorry, for get the exact values of everything else, though front it probably something like R80 at 100% and R33 at around 66%. Anyway, the projector here is a Christie 10k with 1.2 lens. As you can see, it has a hard time keeping up do to larger fill area and that cyc catches all the light and reflects it.

So it is possible to use lower powered projectors, you just have to plan it out ahead and realize what you are getting into.
And to SerraAva's point, that's EXACTLY how I was going to handle the upstage scrim projectors. They will be two 3.5k projectors, used in rear-projector mode with as much floor bounce and bleed-over masked off of them as possible.

We DO have a 10k front projector, but again, to SerraAva's point, it's designed for a full-stage projection of movies on a screen, which would be impractical for what I want to do in Spelling Bee with the letters. We tried to use it for other shows, much as what SerraAva has shown in the lower picture, but you do have to be VERY disciplined about bounce light and light bleed, particularly from strips or other washes.

So, I come back to using the PocketScans with the custom gobo wheels and augmenting them with the brighter non-ADJ intels that the theatre owns (which use 22mm standard gobos).
I know this thread is a bit stale, but I am hoping that the original poster, Sean Harrington (aka 1Stage) is subscribed and will reply. There doesn't seem to be a way to send a private message.

It is great to read about your work with the custom gobo wheel. I am designing for a small stage show where I am working hard to keep weight down. The PocketScans or the other small fixtures are great in many ways. But like you, I need my own gobos. Not necessarily custom, but definitely not the DJ ones.

I am curious to know more about how well the Shapeways sintered approach worked. Were the edges of the image crisp? Did they hold up well? The link to the model on Shapeways is no longer valid, and even a search for a gobo wheel turned up nothing. I did find some individual gobos... they were only $17. Not bad for a custom gobo.

Since you had to do all that work to get the new gobo wheel up to task, I wonder if it might be easier to modify the existing gobo wheel. If each of the gobos were cut out, that would allow for a new gobo to be attached above the hole.

To mount new gobos, the only thing I can think of is to drill and tap holes for some screws that will be used to trap the new gobos in place.

Any opinions about if this is a viable idea? I have never handled these particular fixtures, so I don't know if there is even any extra room for the added thickness.

Joe Dunfee
Hey Joe,

Well, here's the short answer. The custom gobo wheel for the PocketScan that I made won't work due to the fact that it's made from stainless steel, which interferes with the magnetic sensor ADJ uses to position both the color and gobo wheels.

If I had more time/smarts in relationship to electronics, I might be able to find a way to adjust the magnetic sensor to work properly, but I'm not that advanced.

Now, for the long answer...

The process, while REALLY expensive, and impractical due to the magnetic qualities of the material, worked like a charm in every other aspect. The $77 you saw was the net cost of the material (~US$12 a CC), and most of that is from the metal retaining sprue I had to use to allow the process to print the gobo wheel thinly enough to use in the PocketScan. By itself, the wheel was only about $35. Shapeways has no plans currently to offer any non-magnetic high-temperature materials that would work.

As to the detail level, it was REALLY good, considering the edges can be as rough as about 100dpi in some cases. With the dimness of the 150 watt bulb in the PocketScan, it really wasn't a problem, and when I rigged the gobo manually (to override the magnetic sensor problem), with the manual focus, it looked great on all of the custom patterns I used.

The $17 gobos you see have been used in 575 watt Robe intels, and they have only mild discoloration (like any metal gobo would), but they have ZERO melting, oxidation, or deterioration. It was these gobos that I finally used rather than the PocketScan approach, unfortunately.

So, why not just find a laser cutter who can do brass at the appropriate thickness? I couldn't find one here in Los Angeles who would take the job, honestly. I tried laser and water jet cutters from Chatsworth to Garden Grove, and no one wanted to be bothered with a small (unit size and project budget) job.

I like your idea of being able to mount custom gobos in the PocketScan, but they are REALLY small, like only about 12.5mm maximum image diameter, as opposed to the smallest production gobos, which are about twice that size at around 22mm. And the tolerances between the gobo wheel and the gel wheel are less than 1/8", so there's not room for a retaining ring or set screws. Good idea, just not practical.

And the gobo wheel is moderately difficult to get to. It takes the removal of most of the screws on the fixture, detachment of the main analog/logic board, and some clever maneuvering of the cables. It is doable once or twice for a REALLY important project, but I wouldn't want to do it more than three times. Don't get me wrong, the units are ROCK SOLID. ADJ manufactured them like little battleships, but it's TEDIOUS!

I'd ALWAYS love to talk more about it. Anyone who has read this far into the thread is always welcome to email me directly at

- Sean Harrington
I am guessing the metal on the original gobo wheel is aluminum. How thin is it?

Sign makers have CO2 lasers that cut plastic. They are used to small one-off jobs. ... I just did a bit of research, and the lasers used in sign shops are not the right wavelength for metal cutting. It takes a YAG laser, and that is not used in the sign-maker's world.

I did come across one laser shop that says they will do a minimum order of $75.

Of course, the old standard method of cutting thin metal for gobos is metal etching. But, I am sure this technique would not work on metal thick enough to form the wheel. However, I wonder if it is possible to make a thicker hub, and then bond the etched gobo metal to it with high temperature epoxy. The problem that immediately comes to mind is the mounting of the magnet I am not certain of the location, but it seems to be towards the outer portion where the thin metal would be.

Still, as I write the above, it just doesn't feel practical. In my case, I am not expecting to change out the gobos but the one time. The weight of the models that don't use stamped gobo wheels is my main concern. I was told they start at around 25 Lbs.

The model I was looking at is the X-Move, because it is dimable. I wonder if that model has any more space to play with than the pocket scan? Images of the gobo wheel replacement part from American DJ seem to have a collar on the hub. This might imply some additional space for screws to hold gobos.

Joe Dunfee

Joe Dunfee
Joe, you'd have to get ahold of one of the gobo wheels from the X-Move and take a set of calipers to it, then model it in a 3D program. Google SketchUp is free and very easy to learn, and I model all of my gobos in it before sending them to Shapeways.

With the X-Move, they might not use magnetic positioning anymore, so the 3D printing process MIGHT work for you.

Etching was not an option, because at the thickness required for this gobo (the PocketScan one), the etching acid actually starts eating into the side of the metal, degrading the clarity and sharpness of the lines on the gobo pattern.

- Sean
Hey Joe,

I just found the X-Move gobo wheel part. There appears to be some sort of an index point on it, but I can't tell if it's a mechanical switch or if it's a magnetic switch.

Either way, I'd be happy to help you design this and help get it printed. It looks like the X-Move is the "modern" equivalent to the PocketScan, and although I've not had a chance to see one up close, it looks like these are more readily disassemblable (is that a word?).

Let me know if I can help.

I'm looking for logical replacements for the PocketScans, and while the X-Move is a bit more expensive than what I'm interested in spending, it's about 1/10 of what a comparable "professional" intel costs.

- Sean

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