Hi i have a new light fixture again from Kam. would you please do a profile for it

for my dmx?
..Below is the fixture info that their engineers have given me as info is not avail on their site.
The DJ250 barrel is a four channel control again set the addresses on the DIP switches (Binary): -
DMX Mode will be triggered automatically when DMX signal is detected.
Channel 1 - Pan Movement 0-255 one end of movement to other end, 128 - centre.
Channel 2 - Barrel rotation 0-9 No function.
10-115 Barrel continuous forward rotation from fast to slow.
116-137 No function.
138-245 Barrel continuous backward rotation from slow to fast.
246-255 No function.
Channel 3 - Gobo wheel (With colour). 0-11 White.
12-27 gobo 1
28-43 gobo 2.
44-59 gobo 3.
60-75 gobo 4
76-91 gobo 5.
92-107 gobo 6
108-123 gobo 7.
124-139 gobo 8.
140-255 gobo rotation.
Channel 4 - Shutter/Strobe 0-16 No function.
16-223 shutter open.
224-255 strobe from slow to fast.
Regards Mark Kelly.