Hi all, i am new to this software and was wondering weather anyone could help me with a number of things, much appreciated if so. anyways...
1) i have a couple of moving heads, and i want to program the paths, and put into a scene instead of scene steps, i think it's called a macro? sorry if i am wrong. i want to be able to put in my own ligght path.
2) speed of movement, is there any way i can change the speed of movement on a moving head using myDMX?
3) Is there anyway i can do sound to light because when working it is a bit of a ball ache doing the start up of song and light show, if not is there anyway to put the fixtures in automatic mode with the software other than as someone advised me "to change all the DIP switches" but it would'nt look very pro lol.
anyways any help would be much appreciated.
thanks ben x
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