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OK, guys...I got my Behringer MIDI pedal today, so I'm setting it up to try some stuff. First, though, I want to set up my stage. I went to the Stage.evs; the manual says, "From the 'Stage menu', select 'Build mode." I can't seem to find that at all. Next, the manual says to go to "Object Settings", and click on the "Add Object" button (grey cube next to the red arrow in the picture above). I'm sorry, I just can't seem to find it! Maybe I'm not looking in the right window...can you help? Thanks so much!
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Here's probably the dumbest question of all time...Now that I have the Behringer in hand, I have a good MIDI cable, my Dell laptop, the software, the MyDMX interface...where does the MIDI pedal fit? I have a feeling that I'm going to have to purchase a MIDI interface of some sort for the laptop, right?...*sigh*...You were right; I really didn't realize what I was getting into!
OK! Now I have a MIDI interface hooked up, and I'm going to assume all is well, at least for the moment.
I'm having a heck of a time with this User Manual, though...where is Effects Manager? I accidentally found Color Manager, I can't remember how! It says, "To access the effects editor, left click on the "FX" button. I would if I could...
I had no problem getting the profile in; it's in the matrix, and I addressed them as indicated. Each one works great individually. This little quirky thing just seems to be on some of the Special Effects, especially Rainbow and the chaser effects: only the first two respond. The MIDI works great, by the way! No trouble at all. My next big assignment is to get some workable scenes together, some darker for ballads, and some lively effects for the dance tunes. Nobody can be more newbie than me at this! My inclination is to just have everything full up! It's difficult not having a stage, and I haven't been able to figure out how to set up a 3D stage with two trees holding the par cans. I'm workin' on it, though!
James, I have a request...maybe you could do a YouTube post (they've been very helpful!) on setting up a light control for a small band, club venue, maybe 10 different scenes for slow tunes, up tunes, dance stuff, etc. from start to finish. Once it's shown how to do it, all we (or somebody like me) would have to do is a little tweaking here and there to customize it. It's a little frustrating, especially for somebody like me who is not a light jockey (I'm a musician), and really cannot afford one, yet we'd really like to be able to use these lights for something more than just illuminate the stage. I can probably get a couple of static colors going here, but I haven't a clue what would look great on people, what looks great from the stage, and probably most importantly, what (in your experience) really DOESN'T seem to work well? I've got about 2 weeks to get something down, and although I've learned a lot on the YouTube videos, I'm starting to panic a little, as there is just so much to learn, and the User's Manual seems to take a lot for granted that I know what's what (and believe me, I DON'T!).
By the way...I can still individually change the 3rd and 4th par can via slider on Editor, but on Color Manager or Effect Manager, it seems to only affect par 1 and 2.
What should I be checking for here? If the individual par cans can be completely responsive to their own faders, but don't respond to the software Effects, such as Rainbow or Knight Rider, what should I be checking? Two of the cans (1 and 2) respond correctly, but 3 and 4 don't respond at all. Thanks much!
that's really fabulous, James...I'll do that! I re-addressed all of the cans, starting on the other end, and now they seem to be working just fine. The chases, the fades, really great!
At this point, all I need really is a few scenes, where to put them, and how to trigger by the Behringer MIDI pedal board. I should be able to test everything, including the pedal, with the 3D, right? Again, thanks for all your help...
You will need the 3D on and the midi pedal hooked up to the computer. but you will see the scenes be triggered from the midi pedal in the 3D...........i think. lol. I looked at your show file today i still need the 3D file from you. Also i do not know if you were getting light output on the actual units but all your scenes the dimmer was down and no light output in the 3d.

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