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What you have two types of fixtures that just coincidentally use the same values?

You could always do a "save as" and then re-assign, I suppose. I'm still learning stuff about this, but seems a likely scenario.

I think I need more description as to what is the intention. I'm just a little unclear.

Or is it that you've made a bunch of scenes, and now you've decided "you know, it would have been nice if I made a scene that used both types of fixtures".

You can't really layer a scene. I think using the EFX you can end up layering scenes. Personally, I'm doing some odd stuff with my MyDMX(or will be soon). For example. I have my older Par38's with gels(banks of 4, red, green, blue and yellow gels), my Color Fusions and my 64B LED Pros. So, between those I can do full color changes/washes.

Could with that some Chauvet fixtures I have that have color wheels.

Add to that some specials. Sunray III, Mystic, stuff like that.

Now, I'm making scenes that are "just the Par 64B LED Pros" and some that are just the Color Fusions, while others are just with the Par 38's. On top of that, when the colors match, they'll be banks that include the Chauvet spots and color changers when their color wheels line up wiht other colors I am using. Lots of "mix and match" type stuff. I'll end up with hundreds of scenes.

In my case, I'm sucking it up and just re-doing the work, but since I'm documenting numbers, it goes fast. I'd like faster, but I've done things that unfortunately created more work for myself. But, I'll gladly do the extra work since my system allows for more control later on.

You can also copy scenes, then tweak them. That's more of the concept I am doing.
Heres a scenario.

Scene 1:
4 Accuspot 300, used EFX generator to create a circular effect w/ a phasing of 10.

Scene 2:
4 Fusion Scan 250, used EFX Generator to create a smaller circular pattern with a phasing of 0.

Can myDMX somehow play the two togehter? If not what can? Or what processes do I need to do to get them to play together?
well then you are gonna have to go into the steps and edit the pan and tilt values for the lights you don't want panning out so far. If you want multiple scene playback look into compu live. My dmx is for the intermediate programming not advanced. But it has more features than any other controller in its price range. Sincerely,
The reason it's being lumped is so that they can work together to make a smooth effect.

Pattern too wide? Squish it down a bit.

Do this: Remember what you did before. Then, go into a scene that has HALF of what you want(one set of lights), then select your other fixtures and EFX them. It should layer.

This is advanced for me. I just need mountains of color washes for the most part!
Actually the reason they are all working together is because on the effects generator when you create a pan and tilt effect it will take all the pan and tilt channels and move them the same way wither it is a scanner or moving head. thats why a circle movement looks different on a moving head than it does on a scanner. sincerely,
Given The fact that the posts in this topic are from almost 4 years ago, I'm not sure that I'll get any response, but I thought that I'd try anyway. I'm trying to set things up so that 8 Intelligent spots will flash in time with the beat of a song while 4 scanners move. Is it possible to do this, and if so, how would I set it up?

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