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ight so i got the adj my dmx 2.0 i only got it because my good friend got it and i love it and noow im trying to figure out a couple things...i noticed will in auto mode my friend had his scenes set and running in auto mode on a apc 40 midi board and he was able to control the brightness and strobe with the faders will running his scene without changing to lhp or htp (whatever the higher and lower override is)so he didnt need to change what my problem is that he told me how to do it but i can get it to work so i wanna know if any of u adj reps or anyone out using this product know how to key bind your scenes and being able to control your faders in scene mode(auto Mode)...ive tired multiple times and i cant ask my friend cause hes out of town for 3 months so i would like help please if anyone knows how or knows what im talkin about!!!!
thank you
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