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Hi There.
This is probably not possible with MyDmx, but I will still ask.

Basically I am the Sound and Light man for a local band.
We have got some LED par cans, which I have set-up some sequences/scenes
that will give me various fix colours, and rainbow/wave effects and random effects.
which is all good.

But what I'd like to know is, can I have a set-up where I have started one of the
effect, (say a rainbow effect) but when the guitarist says does his Solo bit,
I'd like to hit a button and have the pin spot come on with out cause the Rainbow effect
to stop go away. then when solo has finished hit it again and it goes off.

I have a feeling, it's going to be a case of having a set-up where all sequences, are duplicated
with the different pin spots combinations included and excluded.
Or change software Which I could do, as long as it works with the current USB-DMX dongle.

Thanks In advance.
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Hi Sean and welcome to the forums. You are correct that with MyDMX, you will have to setup up a series of chases with and without the pin spots and then switch between the two. There might be another way, but none that I am aware of. Maybe jingles can help out a little more then I can, sorry.
Here;s an idea for you. Sort of a work around. When playing back the rainbow or chase that you have. go back to the edit tab and find your pin spot channel and over ride it using the LTP or HTP. You can change the channel from auto to HTP or LTP simply by clicking on the "AUTO" button. Try that. OR if what I am saying doesn't make sense let me know.
Thanks Guys,

Think I was looking for confirmation that I had read the manual correctly.

I had thought about doing the LTP & HTP option,
This works find as long as I use single colour pin spots whether they be LED or "Real Spots" with dimmer pack.
My real goal would be to have a couple of robo's of some type, but then I'd have to think again on the control front.

But thanks for the help.

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