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Hello to you all!

I want your help about something, that i want to do with my heads. The last days, i am trying to create a sequence of opening - closing the shutter from the one head to another. I mean this:

Head1 Head2 Head3 Head4
Open Close Close Close
Close Open Close Close
Close Close Open Close
Close Close Close Open

I want to loop this sequence fast, so i will have the effect that i imagine. Until now, i can't create this effect, with the FX editor, changing the values of chase, ratio and the others. I used the "square", so the dmx value to shutter be immidiate from 0 to 100%.
If i create this, without Fx but with simple four steps, can i merge then the steps with movement effects (that i will create with Fx) or with other scenes?

What do you think about this?
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I don't think merging will work. I don't think you can merege on my dmx. This is a very difficult sequence to program and it seems you will have to do it manually. Why not try doing the shutter chase in the FX gen and then go over and do the movement in the pan and tilt effects section then generating both of those sequences into the scene. I call it "layering effects" do you understand what i mean?
Yeah, i understand what you mean James. It will be very useful in the future for us, the program to support merging the scenes. To make in different categories, scenes about movements and scenes about lighting effects, so you can combine them, depends on the situation.

I tried first to make this with the fx generator, the easiest, but until now, i haven't found the right combination of phase or other parameter, to create this effect!
Let me try it on mine. however you should know that my dmx as it is now will stay that way. it is a entry level software program. There will be no feature updates to this software at all. Only updates will be newer optimized revisions and compatibility for newer OS's.
Also upon re reading your post it seems like all you are trying to do is add a shutter chase.
I think i want too much! Haha! But is ok, myDMX is the perfect way for me to leave traditional consoles and to explore new features! Besides i am amazed from all i can do with this software...

Also upon re reading your post it seems like all you are trying to do is add a shutter chase.

Yes, this is exactly what i want to do! If you find any combination in the parameters, let me know!
You had putted the phase to 4? I had tried already. Maybe you haven't understand what i want to do! I want with each "step" change in the FX generator, only one head to have light output. I will try to do this with the value of the shutter to slowest strobe effect. Hhhmmm maybe this will work. Let's see...

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