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great job programming those new lights in their videos, all the lights are very nicely synced together and just.... amazing. wait, no, not really at all... ones strobbing barely, and the other is thinking about syncing up... or wait just bad programming. You know, back in the day, american dj really cared about demonstraighting how great their lights could look, sorry, but... new videos would be very great to newbies and for sales.
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i'm not trying to take sides here... however, if you are going to produce a video of your product, I think it's important that the video portray the product at it's absolute best. Granted, some of the people who are not as "light inclined" will ever have picked up on it but in the same respect you have those people who are very aware of what things should and should not look like when it comes to lighting. I agree that customer support and getting orders out in a timely manner should always have first priority over anything else but at the same time if your going to produce a video why not make the video the best it can possibly be? I understand in this case it was just a new guy learning the ropes and thats by all means acceptable everyone has to start somewhere and we've all been "new" at something at one point. Again it's important to realize it's just a video of the product, however I can also relate to wanting to see a video of a company's product functioning at it's peak performance after all I don't know any company that wouldn't want to showcase their product at it's best. I personally don't feel that adj has lost it's quality at all, it was simply someone new who is getting there feet wet. Anyway just my 2 watts...
I found the DVD highly valuable in helping me confirm some decisions as to fixtures I was or was not interested in.

Also, helps my wife see what I am thinking of getting, so it's a useful tool.

Regardless, I do agree. If you're going to do a job, do it right.

Also, CHAPTERS per fixture. Please. I want to just skip or go right to specific ones after I've seen the whole sequence. Maybe that's already done, I haven't checked,
I like this and will try to incorporate it in the new video!! Joey
Alright guys, they said it will be taken care of, Joey no longer shoots the movies, I'm sure the new guy will do better as he becomes more familiar with the job. I was going to close the topic, but Chris made a very good suggestion. about chapters. So we will leave this open in case there are more valid suggestions.

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