Mapster: Excuse the sarcasm, but you didn't seem to get it any other way. And I wasn't using sarcasm, I was trying to clarify it in terms I felt you could finally wrap your head around. Had this been a real job, you'd have been fired and sent packing.
You wanted an easy answer, it was given to you. You didn't accept it. In this case, the "hard way" is the right way and only way. I know what you're talking about, but I'm here telling you how it is.
And if you had the source for the software, chances are it's not as easy as you think it is. But hey, feel free to roll your own and market it.
To Teggers:
This is what he's trying to do:
He's trying to copy values from ONE scene and/or step into another scene and/o step.
Which isn't supported.
It would seem that instead of everyone trying to fight this issue and the vast amount of time spent fighting it, it would seem to be a much more productive usage of time to simply "get 'er done" and, well, get the job done.
If you want to copy scenes, then copy scenes. That is fully supported. If let's say you're just doing color washes(because it's a simple example), then make your base scene(say, white), and then copy that and then make that copy blue. Copy again, make it red, copy again, make it green, copy it again and change it again. We're not talking a lot of work.
Now, if we're talking a fairy complex scene, say, a sequence with moving but you want to change colors, then there is also a simple fix. Since a moving scene involves multiple steps, I think as Jingles explained it to me, if you hold control while making the change, it affects all the steps in the scene. For me this has been handy. In my example, I was doing "out of phase rotating circles" in various colors. So, I did the scene first in white. After that, I copied the scene the appropriate amount of times so I could do the same thing in each color on the mover's color wheel.
Now, should I want to then say, add wash from my 64 LED Pros With the moving circles, I'd need to do very similar steps. First, I'd take my base WHITE out of phase circles and copy that. Holding Control, I'd adjust the values on my 64 LED PROS until I got the right colors, and it would also be carried across all steps in the scene.
It really depends on what you're trying to accomplish. If you're doing a lot of moving stuff, then yes, it can get pretty nasty pretty quick. Consider you've got X and Y plus fine X and Y, plus you have to ensure the right color settings are in there(be it color wheel or RGB values) and the correct gobo and any nifty things like gobo spin or bounce, shutter, dimming, focus, strobing... Yes, I can see your point.
But, instead of sitting around and waiting for you to not hear the answer you want, you could spend that time trying to get the job done.
Also, you need to keep this in mind:
If you have a scene that involves movement with multiple non-matching fixtures(say, 2 scanners and 2 movers) and let's say that you used the FX generator to make the scenes per fixture type, if your scenes ended up with different numbers of steps, it's not going to be a clean "transfer".
Merging is NOT supported. Copying WITHIN a scene(or step) to copy ONTO/INTO another scene(or step) is not supported.
I just think back to the Cool and the Gang/Commodores show, where everything was hired and it was essentially a fly date(they fly in, do the show, fly out) and I recall the lighting designer with a rather beefy lighting console using pencil and paper to help him get his job done. I think his complaint was that he usually didn't get to use the better lighting consoles so he was rather pleased with what SPL provided that day.
So, I guess it's down to this:
Who wants cheese with their whine?
It would be nice if you COULD, but you can't. It would be nice if people would hire my sound company instead of going elsewhere then calling me up to complain about it, and then still not hiring me. But again, it just isn't happening. Clearly they have my number, they just haven't figured out that "hey, all you have to do is ASK(and pay me) and I'll be there".
I'm just old school. From a time and era where yes, we may complain, but we also got it done. Whining wastes time. Working gets things done.
The bottim line is that it CAN be done and there is a way to get it done. So, go do it.
Maybe they'll integrate this function in a future release. Otherwise, perhaps CompuLive might be more suited for this application?
Honestly, if I'm a club operator, I'd be looking for more rounded options. MyDMX is a good package, but remember, club owners are in a fixed environment with often a fixed lighting rig, and they may want a beefier solution. As they are in this for the money, they'll often spend the money.