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I'm thinking about purchasing a Dmx Operator Pro, Im currently using a dmx operator to run 4 DJ Spot 250's, and 6 dj scans, 16 par 38's. I like the idea of the operator pro b/c it's a hybrid console. However, i realize i only get 8 individual scanner buttons for my intels. Does anyone own this board or have experience with it? What are the pro's and cons? I've read some people have a hard time getting the memory cards for it? Any information anyone can provide is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance
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It doesn't do shows (which is a chase of chases, right?) The main drawback to this board is only 6 chases. 99 steps each, but that doesnt help me out because you have to start from step 1 each time you trigger it. I've gotten creative with them though, say the frist scene in the chase places the mirrors where they need to be, then it waits for 10 minutes (on the fade), so on the beat I want to start it I hit the step button, lights on, pan from ceiling to floor, then waits for 10 minutes, on the next beat I hit step again and all change colors 1/10 sec apart from each other and right when the last one changes, they pan to the ceiling, wait 10 minutes , I hit step and it turns off the lamp and positions them to start over...

So you can do a lot with it, just wish there were more (there are 6 for the Intels and 6 for the Pars). Im actually using 4 RGB washes for the Par side of the board. The lights are configured to be 2 channels each, 1 for brightness, and 1 for color, and my scenes are just color info and I adjust the brightness manually. Works pretty well.

Let me know if you have any other questions about it! Thanks for the CF card info, Im trying to order 2 of them now...

The Operator Pro does do shows on the moving light side. Please follow these steps to do so:

(1) Press and hold down the "RECORD" button for three (3) seconds or until the green LED next to the RECORD button comes on. The LCD will display the following:

(2) Select the �CHASE� button 1-8, where you wish to record to. The selected CHASE LED will flash repeatedly. For example, if you select CHASE #1, the LED above the #1 CHASE button will flash repeatedly and your LCD will display the following:

(3) If you previously programmed scenes into page #01, the LED�s above each button containing a scene, will be on. At this point, you may select one of those scenes or press the �PAGE� button so that the red LED above the Page button comes on and then use the �UP� and �DOWN� buttons to scroll through the other pages. Select the �SCENE� # that you wish to have as your first show step. The LED above the selected Scene # will then be flashing. (NOTE: YOU CAN ALSO SELECT FIXTURES, SET THEIR PARAMETERS AND RECORD THEM INTO SHOWS ON THE FLY. HOWEVER, IF YOU ARE NEW TO DMX OR PROGRAMMING THIS CONSOLE, IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU SELECT PRE PROGRAMMED SCENES TO RECORD SHOWS).

(4) Next, set your desired hold and fade time for your first show step by using the �SPEED� fader for your HOLD time and the �FADE� fader for your FADE time. The hold and fade time range is five tenths of a second to ten minutes. Therefore, the maximum times that can be set to hold or fade a selected scene step is 10 minutes and the minimum time is .5 second. Note: When adjusting the speed fader, �S� represents �Speed� followed by the set hold time- .05 to 59.00S (Seconds), after 59 seconds, the LCD will display �1M00S�, �M� represents minutes and can be adjusted up to 10M00S (10 minutes and 0 seconds). �F� represents Fade time.

(5) Once your scene is selected and your speed and fade times have been set, press the �RECORD� button, all of the LED�s will flash one (1) time and your show step will advance one (1) time as well. The LCD will display the following:


� �TL� represents total CHASE steps and �STEP� represents current CHASE step.

(6) Repeat steps 3-5 to continue recording additional steps into your CHASE. Each time you record a new scene into your CHASE, the CHASE step will advance by one (1). You can store up to 99 steps maximum per CHASE.

(7) Once you�ve completed recording your CHASE, press the �ESC� button two (2) times to exit record mode.

This is out of a revised manual that will soon become available as the original manual did not cover many key features nor was it detailed about what is in there. I'll add a post when available. In addition, the silk screen, for the moving light side, on the console will change from CHASE to SHOW in the near future.
do you know if it will cover in depth saving to the 32mb flash card?? This is a feature i'd love to use however, am very unclear what can be done with it. I understand you can save the boards fixture settings/scenes/chases etc. However, let's say i fill the board up. I program every scene/chase there is on the intel side/par side. I save it all to the flash card. Now i wipe the board clean so that i can start over. I then program say 3/4 of what the board can handle chases/scenes/etc my question is this, can i then save that to the same card without over writing the information that was currently on there? I'm looking to have it so that i can call up either save depending on my situation. I want to program the board for when i'm mobile and have my lights on the trussing, i want the board filled with scenes for that, then i also want to be able to call up another save for when i have it set up a different way. Any light you can shed on this would be helpful thank you
The manual should be available sometime next week.

Within the CF card, there are 50 folders or locations to save to. When you go to save, you must select a folder or location to save to. Every time you save information to the card, you should select a different folder- unless you want to write over a certain file. Unfortunately, you cannot rewrite the file names. Because of this, I strongly suggest that you keep a list of what information is saved where. For example, folder 1 contains DJ show #1, folder 2 contains Wedding Party, folder 3 contains B-Day Party, etc... Refer to the list when ever you go to save. This will eliminate the chances of accidentally writing over information that you previously saved.

32 mega bytes is a lot of space to store memory to. You shouldn't have any problems storing information to the card over and over again.
alright figured that one out, i dont know what my problem was but it was right there in front of me, however often times when i go to save it, it says some sort of error please change card. If i try saving it 2-3 times eventually it will go through. Any reason for this am i doing something wrong?
well i've now lost the ability to save or load from the cf card.... i tried turning the controller off, then removing the card placing it back in then turning the power on... still nothing..... No matter what section i go to save to it comes up with cf card error please change card, and when i try to load information from it it says invalid information in this section. After like 15 attempts i got it to save once successfully, however i was still unable to recall the data. Please help I need this to work badly quickly.
I will check with the engineer as to why this is happening. I should have an answer from him shortly. In the mean time, I believe that CF card you have is corrupt, so if you'd like, you can send it in for immediate replacement- please call (800) 322-6337 and obtain a return authorization. This is an immediate solution that should get you back up and running. I'll keep you posted as to what the engineer replies.
I spoke with Joe from customer support and he is supposedly sending me a new one... I'm just mad because i had a good amount of data on there, means a lot more programming all over again. It's strange though because from the start it gave me issues a lot of the time but it at least ended up working, and now it's just to the point where it won't work. I don't get it. Anyway I'd be curious to know what information the engineer offers...
I'm not sure if one of you guys who post on here is Joe from adj support. But I would just like to give him praise, he has put up with me the last few days, and has resolved some issues i've been having with some adj equipment that went bad on me. It was very nice to deal with him, he resolved everything in a professional manner and did so very quickly. By far the most pleased i've been in dealing with adj support (no offense to any other support guys out there) If anyone knows who ranks above Joe from support I would like to know their name and address, I would like to write a formal letter to his superior expressing how nice of a job he has done. Thank you.

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