I have inadvertently reversed the LED display and cannot work out how to invert it back upright. the manual does not state how to do this and there is no DISP option on the menu going through MODE or SET UP
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is this the UB9H?
No it’s the ultrabar9 - is the predecessor to the UBH9.
Unit needed resetting done by holding MODE and SET UP button together and plugging in the mains. 1234 is displayed and settings are back ti default.
oh ok great, sounds like you got it solved!
We don't have a ton of staff who know all of the products on the forums, so sometimes it maybe quicker to just call us. Glad you got it figured out.
It was trial and error with going through all possible options - spent hours on it! Lol. I did post also on the Facebook group and in between, I managed to resolve it. A group member did have a member who verified the step I took so thankfully there are people with knowledge out there.
I’m just surprised that within the Manuals that this ‘factory reset’ option isn’t mentioned anywhere.