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Following a year of grief and healing, retribution and reconciliation, America awakens this September 11 to remember the horror of last year�s terror attacks, but also to look ahead. Ceremonies in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania will be echoed across the country and around the world as the victims and survivors are commemorated.

(CNN) -- In the deep of the night they've started marching -- to honor those killed in broad daylight. Well before dawn, a day of nationwide commemoration unique in American and world history has begun.

Bagpipe and drum processionals started moving as early as midnight Wednesday from each of New York's five boroughs, their ancient keens echoing against darkened streets and buildings as they made their way to lower Manhattan.

By 8 a.m. ET, they are scheduled to reach Ground Zero, where officials now say 2,801 people lost their lives in the cataclysmic terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Some 300 musicians will form a circle of honor on the floor of the World Trade Center site. They will pipe the plaintive "Going Home" Largo theme of Dvorak's symphony "From the New World" and then fall silent at 8:46 a.m. ET, the time at which American Airlines Flight 11 slammed into the Trade Center's North Tower a year ago.

By day's end, memorial services will have been held at Ground Zero; at the Pentagon; in a field at Shanksville, Pennsylvania; at St. Paul's Cathedral in London; at the new dome that gleams atop the German Bundestag in Berlin; at the American Embassy in Paris; in towns and cities across the United States; and in an international series of performances of Mozart's Requiem in concert halls from Tokyo to Belgrade, from Lisbon to Honolulu.

But despite the soul-bracing reach of these many events, a sense of peace may be hard for some to find.

It is in a context not only of profound sadness but also of raised national alert and nagging worry -- about the new scope of modern terrorism -- that people in many parts of the world Wednesday will pause to contemplate the vast vulnerability of civilization exposed on September 11.


I personaly want to give a shout out to the people that I know/knew back in New York that were inflicted by this tragedy, and wish them the best. I also wish the best for all our members here at American Audio/DJ forum the best day, and stay safe. I also would like to wish Kevin ( Clipuptags ) the best birthday on September 11th. Just remember Kevin that your birthday happend September 11th 1978, 22 years before it ever happend. You own this day! God Bless!
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