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Welcome to the January 2011 Profile Request thread. Please keep on-topic.

A few reminder rules:

1: When making a request, please state the make and model of the fixture.

2: Please post a link to the manual or a photo of the DMX traits or post the DMX traits. Please, English versions preferred.

3: If posting traits, please be as complete as possible.

4: Please be patient. It's best to make sure you're not under a deadline, like "I need it in 2 hours" for example. Please allow a bit of time. A couple of days is reasonable.

5: Please check the updated scan library link on the my dmx product page for your fixtures before requesting profiles. Or join my (Jingles')shared drop box folder. The link for profiles on the my dmx product page can be found at the bottom of every one of my post.

Also let me add that if someone else get's their profile before you but you posted your request before them please do not be offended as some profiles take more time than others
Thanks and have fun.
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hi =) I´ve some problems with a laser i just bought. The product name is STAIRVILLE DJ LASE 150-RGY DMX. I use "My dmx" to controll this light and a American dj majestic led. I got 2 different profiles for this light in the scan libary, but none of them is working :S The laser works fine in sound active mode but when i plug in the dmx cable its dead. I guess i has something to do with the deep switches or the profiles but im not sure. Mabye you can help me. You can find the manual here --->
just scroll down and click "manuals" under "Smart Navigator"

You have to excuse my english, im swedish Wink Thank you.
Originally posted by Jingles:
Can you describe how it doesn't work?

it doesnt light at all when i move the controlls 1-16 in mydmx. i set the deep switches as mydmx tell me but nothing happens. i´ve tryed to restart the software and try to switch dmx cabel but nothing happens. The majestich light works without problems. When i unplug the dmx cabel the laser starts waoking.
Originally posted by Jingles:
<B>MODE Control switch (ON) 1 DMX-512 signal control mode 10 : ON<B>

Says it right there in your manual. Let me know if it works.

I think theres some problems with the light. i just called where i buy it from and they tell me to send it back Frowner But thx for your help Smiler
Hey Jingles,
First of all thank you for the profiles for the older Tempest lights. Second, and unfortunately, I am unable to get the pages to load with the links that you sent me. I am not sure if it is because I waited to long to go online to get them or not, but either way they dead end for me. Here is the post from last month with the links:

holliewood, here are the Tempest profiles.

If I am in error please let me know.

Thanks for you help,
I have a big request concerning a profile from which I can not cope.
A few days ago I bought a moving head LED 108 / 3W
Could you please help me in making a profile for the mobile head.
Channel Value Functions
1) 0-255 Master dimmer, 0-100%
2) 0-3 No function
4-240 Strobe, from fast to slow
241-255 No function
3) 0-255 Red, 0-100%
4) 0-255 Green, 0-100%
5) 0-255 Blue, 0-100%
6) 0-255 White, 0-100%
7) 0-255 Pan, 0-540°
8) 0-255 Tilt, 0-270°
9) 0-255 Pan fine, 0-1.8°
10) 0-255 Tilt fine, 0-1.8°
11) 0-255 Pan/Tilt speed, from fast to slow
12) 0-9 Enable CH 3, 4, 5 & 6
10-149 Static colors:
10-19: Red;
20-29: Red + Green;
30-39: Green;
40-49: Green + Blue;
50- 59: Blue;
60-69: Blue + White;
70-79: White;
80-89: Red + White;
90-99: Green + White;
100-109: Red + Blue;
110-119: Green + Blue + White;
120-129: Red + Green + Blue;
130-139: Red + Green + Blue + White;
140-149: Red + Green + White
150-179 Color changing, CH13 enabled
180-209 Color strobe, CH 3, 4, 5 & 6 enabled
210-239 Color fading, CH13 enabled
240-255 No function
13) 0-255 Speed of CH 12 related functions (when CH 12 at 150-179 or 210-239)
For musicminer:
HTL par 64:

No luck on the HTL Quad Gem. You could try the ADJ quad gem? They have the same name they could very well be almost the same fixture. Smiler you never know right? Big Grin

Stage Ape Fab Four: This link is the 1st 3 channels of the fixture for shutter dimmer etc, please add 4 of the Generic RGB profile from the _generic folder. Make sense?

Acme LED fury for Mbcl:
Mcbl did you have a link to the hazer?

im saying if you put the 3ch profile in at say 10 it will take up 10,11,12. Then you add 4 of the generic RGB profiles and starting at 13 and then patch the rest right after the other, or as us lighting guys call it, "straight patch" meaning no gaps. If you started this on channel 1 you would use the first three on the custom profile and the last 12 on the RGB. Make sense now? Smiler Let me know.
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