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Recently bought the Dmx operator 384 and an Ampero midi footswitch. The Ampero can send midi notes, CC  or PC. It's currently sending notes.

I've programmed the pedal using the numbers as listed in the manual, so the Ampero changes between scenes or between chases or scenes to chases. It's also controlling  the 'Audio' (sound to light) on and off - all using midi note.

Now... the foot controller seems to work OK but at random points in the show the desk seems to get 'stuck' in a lighting state and selecting another state (on the footswitch) doesn't override it. Even disconnecting the midi cable seems to leave it stuck until I manually deselect the 'audio ' feature on the desk.

Sometimes the footswitch selects a lighting state that is on the correct bank, but not the correct scene number. Tapping the footswitch will cycle it through the bank - even though it's sending the same scene being selected - (the Ampero is programmed to only send the same message).

I also haven't done the software revision (didn't read that bit until too late - d'oh!)

So.. Two questions:

1)  If I upgrade the software will it correct this issue?

2) If I upgrade the software will it wipe all the scenes and chases (and hours of programming!)


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