Sounds like you players are seizing up from the heat. Mine did that at the worst times. I would play out and of course they are kept in cases well...problem 1. don't play your cd players while they are still in the case unless you have a fan blowing on them the whole show. ....problem 2. they would just over heat and not reset....American Audio was gracious enough to install heat sinks in the fan/ vent area where they get hot. That reduced the amount of heat from...."aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh what the ...aawwwwwwwwwww" to "aahh nooottt too bad " Plus I kept my fan on the jokers and they have worked fine ever since. I think for me personally the cd players now just need to be realigned but that for me is another story. Bottom line if possible don't play them in the case, if you must do that then just ensure you have a fan on them. Also contact American Audio support and ask if it would be possible to install heat sinks. Mine were still under warrenty when I had it done. Not sure if you are still in your warrenty period. Heat sinks helped big time though. Hope that helps bro