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Hi , Hope ive come to the right place .

In a nutshell. I play in a covers band and the drummer had his own lights which were Two 2k HALOGEN boxes controlled by a Colormix CA-32 4ch DMX controler. One day they just decided to stop working ( Plus they made you sweat like no ones buisness) .
I went and bought an American DJ DOTZ FLOOD , ( 6 , 30watt LEDs) . Took it down to rehearsal and couldnt get the Colormix to do anything with it so we just had to let the Dotz flood do its own show mode to sound at the gig which wasnt ideal when we did a slow song and the strobe kicked in ** laughs out loud ** .

I had delivered a Chauvet Obey 3 LED controller which says it is only for use with fixtures that have 3-channel RGB mode .Plugged it in and it does actually interact with the light box of a fashoin but im at a loss to know what DMX channel I nned to adress it to 0-512 and what channel mode ..Any , and I mean any advice would be very helpfull .

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Hi Zey,

I'm glad to hear you figured out the solution to your problem. Sometimes the light fixture's manual will give you a brief overview of how DMX works, sometimes it doesn't. Generally, the light manuals assume you have a basic understanding of how DMX works. Since you appear to be new to intelligent lights (and that's great!), here's a quick overview of how all this works.

Basically, your controller will output data on however many channels of DMX it advertises being able to control. Most boards default to a 1-1 patch, meaning channel one on the board controls DMX channel one, channel two on the board controls DMX channel two, etc. The majority of advanced controllers will let you patch the output differently, but that's another story. Similarly, DMX lights will advertise how many channels of DMX they are able to use for control. You set the DMX address to the channel you want the first trait to map to on your board, and the subsequent channels will automatically follow in a 1-1 correlation. For instance, your fixture in three channel mode will, as the mode implies, utilize 3 consecutive DMX channels for control. If you set the address to 001, channels 1, 2, and 3 on your board will control the light. If you set the fixture's address to 005, channels 5, 6, and 7 will control the light. It's important to note that your controller doesn't know what's connected to it, and likewise your light doesn't know what controller you're using, so you have to set addresses accordingly. You can easily set an address starting on a channel too high for your specific board to control, and you can set the addresses on different lights to overlap each other - and none of the equipment is any wiser to what you're doing.

I know that DMX can seem rather confusing when you're just starting out, so please ask plenty of questions if you don't understand something. Hope this helps!
Hello again guys , Got a new problem now.
Been using the Chauvet Obey 3 LED controller for the last year and it works fine but i went and bought the ADJ DF-FC foot controller.
Charged it up overnight and read as it told me to in the instructions and nothing (although when i press any button on the foot controler , the green wireless button comes on the back of the Dotz flood ) .. any advice ?

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