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Hi all,

I am a totall nitwit so excuse me if my questions sound simple. I have a Laptop with Windows XP, Traktor Pro software en a VMS4 that is connected to an old amplifier. I absolutely have no clue, how to install this all and make it work. I have read the posts on this forum, try to import the Tsi-file (it doesn't work). Could someone please explain me, straigtht from the beginning how I have to install everything? I would be extremely grateful! Smiler

Buenas noches,

He adquirido recientemente la consola vms4, y traktor pero es imposible que me funcione ya que american audio no ha sacado el mapeo para la version traktor 1.26, es la que tengo yo.

Les estaria muy agradecidos si me pudieran indicar si existe este mapeo para traktor 1.26 tanto en modo internal como en external.

Un saludo y muchas gracias.

Ok dj Freshfluke¡

Hi, I have a lot of problems with my vms4 and traktor.

the first one, My version traktor is 1.27 and with the mappers to the oficial site vms4 dont work. I need another correct mapper?

Second: The button cue of midilog 2 dont work too. when a push the botton the led dont iluminated, and i can not to do the cueing or preaudiotioning, the rest cue buttons are ok.

I unknow, if there is a harware problem of sotware problem about this.

and the last. I would like if is posible to work in internal mode, because the sound is better than in external mode, but i have not a mapper to do it.

this is my problems with the controller.I bought in august and since this moment i have not worked with the vms4.

Thanks a lot, and sorry for my english.


Juan from Spain
Originally posted by cacana:
the first one, My version traktor is 1.27 and with the mappers to the oficial site vms4 dont work. I need another correct mapper?

the question is: what is "correct"?
the vms was shipped with VDJ LE and so is the writing on the unit adjusted for VDJ. you cannot just "copy" the VDJ mapping to traktor.
therefore all mappings for traktor are different and do not mirror exactly what's written on the unit.

Second: The button cue of midilog 2 dont work too. when a push the botton the led dont iluminated, and i can not to do the cueing or preaudiotioning, the rest cue buttons are ok.

did you update the firmware of the vms to the latest version?
i understand, but there is a mapper that works properly with traktor?

I think there was a mapper fact, dated August, if it worked with my version traktor, but I've lost, I will not you?

About the firmware, yes, i have update the version 3.11, but still not working.

Thanks again.

Originally posted by cacana:
i understand, but there is a mapper that works properly with traktor?

there should be several. my mapping e.g. was built with traktor 1.2.6 and also works in traktor 1.2.7 (i'm using it by myself).

only mappings made before 1.2.4 could be problematic.

oh and i remember another issue with some traktor mappings that have been released: some of them do have not only midi hotkeys, but also some other options available when you import them. it's probably a but in traktor: if you import such a mapping and only check the midi hotkeys field and de-select all others, then the mapping will not work.

try to import the tsi file with ALL options checked. (export beforehand your other settings etc. and import those later, then you wont lose the settings you used before).
and i tell you: it usually works.

so either you're on old firmware which can cause issues with the cue button or you messed up the settings or your hardware is defective.

please post some screenshots of the routing sections of the traktor preferences.

and tell me: did you upgrade the firmware of your vms?
Originally posted by icebrkr:
So you could have the sides of the wheels act as a 'nudge' (pitch-bend) while the tops can act as a 'scratch' or 'vinyl' setting.

nope, this is the plastic rings are for...
they split the different notes - so if you touch the jogwheel on the plastic rings you can pitch bend etc. and if you touch the jog wheel on the top, then you can scratch etc.

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