Hi Michele TS
I thiink that you could add many midi-controllers. I hope that somewhere on Mydmx’s list is to upgrade their software to help us do it easier. As in what I wrote up I used 2 - AKAI APC Mini’s - but my brother had a apc 40 mkII for a while, so from what I saw of it, I believe it would work fine also.
The little I have done so far with these midi-controllers - they will not allow to to “set” what midi-channel they are going to send their information out on. They all seem to send out their data on Channel “1” and expect an answer back on “channel 1”. So Mydmx 3.0 can’t tell the difference in which one is talking to it.
Some how Bome software can identify each “midi-controller” by the USB port it’s plugged into >>>>>>>>>>>( wish Mydmx 3.0 could
So - yes - as you guessed, You set up Bome Translator to run everytime you start and it captures the data from the “midi-controllers” and then passes the updated data on to Mydmx 3.0.
- There were 5 translators for each Midi-Controller.
- Since I had 2, I ended up 10 translators
- With 3 Midi-controllers you would end up with 15
the first midi-controller I just had Bome pass the data to Mydmx and then pass the responses back.
For the second midi-controller - Bome software -knows it - and just changes the channel number from “Channel 1” to “ Channel 2”. Mydmx recognizes it’s a different unit, because it’s on “Channel 2”. Mydmx processes it and sends an answer back on “channel 2”. You then have Bome Translator watch for it. When it sees something coming back on “Channel 2” - it changes it back to “Channel 1” and then sends it back to the correct “midi-controller”.
For third midi-controller - it would be same - just change incoming “Channel 1” to ”Channel 3”
Hope you could read this!!! Your English was very good !!!!!
Working with this helps me keep distracted during all this Corona Virus Stuff.Best wishes to you!
I haven’t bought the software yet, I still play for 20 minutes at a time in “trial” mode.