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I had some thoughts/suggestions, but just guesses with the limited info on your issue. For pretty much any of the LED type profiles with RGB colors, the sequence is the same for the sliders when putting in a profile - Red, Green, Blue in that order left to right. So, even using just a 3 channel profile, the red, green and blue sliders will bring up that color in the fixture from full dim to full bright. If the results with the profile mode you are using do not provide correct color control on the fixture, I would double check that the fixture itself has been setup correctly - meaning that the settings on the fixture have been changed to match the profile you want to use in the controller. Or -- that the placement of the fixture profile on the MyDMX setup grid is placed on the correct starting DMX channel that matches the DMX starting assignment for the grid. I should also note that the MyDMX library modes are opposite the mode assignments in the Mega Par Profile manual. The 7 channel mode for the fixture is "Mode CH.07" while in the library it is "Mode 1" under the Mega Par Profile listing. Goofy.

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