I agree with Jingles, movers will cost you anywhere from $600 each for basics to $3500 for major power. I'm assuming that these will be your only lights and you have little or none so far, correct? If so you are going to need a little more than scanners. You need "color fill" or in other words a basic wash of light on the stage/band. Otherwise its just going to be a bunch of flying gobos over the stage and no one will see the band.
Now color fill can be achieved by anything from cheap par cans ($15-40 each) to color changers ($100 each) and L.E.D.'s ($200 each) each has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, A par can will give you the most light for the least price but only one color. A color changer is in the middle with 6-15 colors but not as bright. led's can produce 2.6 million shades w/o touching the fixture but cost the most and are the worst light to money ratio. See what I'm saying? Then you can get into effects whether it be a simple spinning effect to a dmx controlled scanner. I have written a basic guide for starting lighting on
ANOTHER PAGE and I think you should at least take a peek. It covers alot of aspects. If you want me to come up with details for different options and prices I can do that and post it ere for you.
And also, Welcome to the forum!