Hey all,
First post here. Up until now my band has just used pars and a couple of low end effects into an SC-8FC controller which sat in the PA rack on the back of the stage. Not a good situation when i have to control lights and I'm one of the lead singers. So I purchased an FC400 foot controller, and would like some guidance on where to go next.
The ADJ website packages the FC400 with the DP-DMX4B. Is this the only controller pack that works with the FC400? If not, what other units can I use with it?
Also, can anyone recommend to me a good stage lighting setup based around the FC400 that has worked for them? What I mean is, how many pars, which specific DMX lights, how did you hook it all up, etc. And I know the initial reaction is "it depends on....". Yes, I know there are many things to determine the perfect setup, but what are all of YOU using that might help me understand the best system for my needs?
Finally, is there a better users guide than the barebones pdf that I get from this website? It really doesn't speak to someone like me using a unit like this for the very first time.
Thanks everyone!
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