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Hello everybody, I have a problem, I wanted to try the new MyDmx 5 software and after i installed it on my laptop, i got a message asking me to upgrade the firmware of my MyDmx 3 interface. Before trying the new MyDmx 5 software i was using an old version of MyDmx 2.1 software from 2019 that i was very satisfied with it because it was fully stable and functional on my laptop configuration. So, my problem now is when i connect my MyDmx 3 interface, my laptop says somethig like the MyDmx 2.1 software doesn`t have an active  licence (which is absurd, because we all know that the MyDmx 3 interface comes with ''Full for life'' Licence of the MyDmx 2.1 software out of the box, which worked flawlessly before the firmware upgrade) I have read about this problem before here on this forum, now the question is: How do I install the old firmware on MyDmx 3 interface? (it had something like 0.26 firmware version right out of the box before upgrading it) . I want to do that because i want to continue using the old 2019 version of the MyDmx 2.1 software, i don`t want anyother version newer because that worked perfectly for my laptop configuration. I`ll wait for your help, Thank you all.

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Hello everyone, so in the meantime i found an intreresting option in the Hardware Manager tool, so if you click on ''firmware'' tab, there is an option called ''Load file from computer'' (or something like that) so if you click on that it should install any firmware variant you want/have for the compatible interface, the instalation firmware file has the extension called ''.lsfirm '' .Now my problem is that i don`t have that old firmware file (year 2019) that i need. My interface was purchased from a local store in august 2019. So anyone who can help me with that firmware file from year 2019 for MyDmx 3 interface, is welcomed. Thanks

Hello,thanks for the reply, that`s sad to hear. Although I think that if i have the firmware file (that .lsfirm file) i could just try to install it with the help of Hardware Manager using that ''load file from computer'' option, so maybe if you can help me with that file from an archive somewhere maybe idk. I`m using Windows 10 pro on one laptop and on the backup laptop Windows 10 enterprise (i don`t make Windows updates, those laptops are just for lighting work exclusively no internet browsing on them) . Laptops are from 2014 or so, identical configuration: Intel i5 4200u (gen4) ,4gb RAM memory, 128gb ssd storage, no dedicated graphics card just integrated one.

Hello, ok i understand that. Meanwhlie I installed the latest MyDmx 2.1 software jan 2023 and it crashed with my particular lights, when i try to load the profile of my lights it simply closes itself with a message something like: ''we`re terribly sorry fot the inconvenient...etc.'' , I know that error is caused by some certain lights profiles i read about that in the past. So i think the best option for me is to buy another MyDmx3 interface second hand or new with the old firmware that will completely and fully solve my problem. An advice for everyone: if you want to test a new ADJ software like MyDmx5 as I did, just buy another ADJ interface (it can even be a second hand one) for that purpose and do not upgrade the firmware of your fully functional interface that you already have that is working perfect with your current MyDmx software version. And the last question: Are the currently sold MyDmx 3 interfaces from stores like Thoman Europe (i m from Europe) still come with the 0.26 old firmware out from the box?

Oh by the way I think all the discusion had an error, i researched about the MyDmx 3 interface (which is technically named SIUDI9M ) and i found out that before the last update of firmware, it had version 0.10 out of the box NOT 0.26 as i stated all this time (that 0.26 version is for SIUDI10 other type of interface from what i understood)

Hi, we honestly can't confirm exact versions as we don't know how long products have been sitting in warehouses for etc, but I do know that all recent manufactured hardware would have the latest firmware on them when they ship to dealers or stores.
Also the firmware update was released almost 2 years ago by now, so more than likely any new devices have the newest firmware.

Hello, thank you for the info, I was suspecting that too. The big famous stores have fast selling, so by now all of the interfaces probably have the latest firmware, so my only option is to ''hunt'' for a second hand MyDmx 3 interface with the old firmware. Life lesson learned! So as a last word on this topic, i repeat: Anyone who wants to upgrade to a new software (such as MyDmx 5, as i did) just buy another ADJ interface (new or second hand) and use that one to test or run the new software, just don`t upgrade the firmware of your fully functional ADJ interface like i did and messed up everything that worked before upgrading it. I will open a new topic of questions about second hand interface registrations etc. Have a nice day all!

While I understand your desire for the old firmware, but in all honestly the new firmware on the latest version of MyDMX 3 should work just fine, if you ARE having issues with crashing or compatibility, you should let us know so we can look at it and try to fix it. 
Have you tried the latest MyDMX 3 software? what is the last date you tried?

I`m using 2.1 software not 3 because 2.1 is full for life and i allready stated that i installed the latest variant both 2.1 january 2023 and the newest for 3 ( but i don`t have midi on 3 and i don`t use it as much as i use 2.1) an they both crash, every variant from 2021 onwards crashes and i don`t want to change the laptops because i just boght them last year even though they're from 2014 or so, they worked perfectly with MyDmx 2.1 2019 variant and i didn`t feel the need for something else, i just wanted to try the pan-tilt limit function in MyDmx 5 which in my opinion is crucial for every software (all software variants should have that pan-tilt limit function) other than that i`m satisfied with 2.1

Yes, no problem. I`m using Windows 10 pro on one laptop and on the backup laptop Windows 10 enterprise (i don`t make Windows updates, those laptops are just for lighting work exclusively no internet browsing on them) . Laptops are from 2014 or so, identical configuration: Intel i5 4200u (gen4) ,4gb RAM memory, 128gb ssd storage, no dedicated graphics card just integrated one.

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