Hi there, thanks jingles - I have tried the 1 channel generic profiles, all of them. I also found a driver called DP415 - 4 channel thinking maybe it would control each "outlet" by the four channels. I have set the DP-415 switch 10 to be "switch" and also tried the "dimmer" setting on switch 10. Neither works. I also found instructions on how to access the hardware manager for the DMX 3.0 unit and accessed it directly outside the software. It does recognize it, but sending manual signals from there does not work either sadly.
I am wondering if the unit is defective (not sending dmx signal out), but given our show is in four weeks, I am unsure if we have time to send in for repair/replace.
I also connected the DP-415 to a manual controller and it can control the connected lights just fine, for some reason the software/dongle is not talking to the DP-415. Any other suggestions, please?
Thank you all!