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Well what exactly do you have in mind for programming? Depending on the controller, if you program a scene or show you can copy the settings to the different fixtures so you only hav to program once. ALso chases and reversals etc. The possibilites are endless. Also keep in mind that if you dont want a real elaborate show to program, the internal programs in the fixtures are pretty decent.

Just keep in mind you're using a 250 watt halogen (dj scan) with a 150 watt discharge (812), with totally different patterns, colors gobo's and performance, personally I'd use just two, either set of two, but just the two as the dj scans will be outperformed by the 812's, plus if I remember correctly, the pin configuration is swapped on the 812's
Originally posted by misty69:
[qb] Is there a huge difference in the brightness of the 2 fixtures? If so, is there a way to (for instance) use a less powerful lamp in the DJ Scan? [/qb]
I really don't know if there is a big diference in brightness (never paired them before) but there is going to be a diference in brightness, Gobos, color, and a few other areas. I wouldn't recomend changing the bulbs to get them to match intensity. The lights were made to run the bulbs they came with and by changing up the wattage will send more/less current to the other components of the fixture causing a brownout or spike thus damaging your light.

Hope this helps.


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