Posted 01 April 2008 11:10 PM Hide Post
I play in a blues/rock trio and we use the following for what looks like a great light show that sets up & tears down fast (and didn't break the bank):
Don't we all!
* 2 x 900w stage washes aimed across the front along the mic line (these color us and are set to scroll colors very slowly - not chained to the DMX controller, though they are DMX fixtures).
There goes one full 15-amp circuit right there.
Maybe a Power Punch would be better? Could be set to sound active? You've got to cut your power consumption. Even if it's a 20-amp cirucit, you've only got 600 more watts to spare. Chances are, you're going to get a 15 amp breaker to run your lights. Front-end it with some sort of power unit that will "pop" so you don't pop venue breakers. This way, you pop your breaker, go into "aw crap" mode, reset and keep going.
* 4 x small color changers on 2 DMX channels (in pairs) on trees at the rear corners of the stage. 2 of these (inner pair - DMX channel 1) point straight out to the floor even with the vocal monitors. The outer pair (DMX channel 2) point across the stage at the floor just outside each of our front 2 mic stands for a 'crossing' effect.
You're going to need more DMX chanels than that. Minimum of 2. One for the dimmer, one for the color wheel. Minimum!
* 1 x small color changer we point at our stage backdrop/banner (DMX channel 3).
Same issue as above. You're out of channels already. Not saying it can't be done though.
* 4 tiny pin spots that are on a dimmer set for DMX channel 4.
Shouldn't be too much of a problem. Get a dimmer pack, set it to one DMX channel, there you go. Despite having 4 channels available, this is a good way to do it. Then load it up with 4 Par 36's.
* An Elation/ADJ FC400 foot controller that the bass player uses to change scenes I set up in about an hours worth of screwing around with it at home one day.
Not familiar with this one. Heard it around here plenty, just not familiar with using one.
The FC400 lets you set up 12 scenes and scroll through them manually. It's about the size of a wanker guitar player's small pedalboard and can be tucked out of the way and only hit on the sly when you want to change stage scenes. Once you understand how to set up the scenes manually, it's really easy to program your light show so it'll look good and be a real no-brainer to run from stage during sets. I set up a couple scenes with all one color on all channels (a red scene, a blue scene, etc), a few with different colors (orange + blue, etc), a couple scenes with only one channel on and the others set to blackout for psuedo 'movement' (with no moving fixtures), one channel strobe + one all dim blue with a white spot on the stage banner (for breaks).
Well, if the FC-400 can do scenes, then the DMX channel usage issues should be moot. Program your scene and then stomp your way through your show. Nothing wrong with that.
I've had more than one person ask who's running the lights and I just point to the bass player. Then he's stuck showing the person our lighting setup and I hit the bar. ;D
Well, then it sounds like whatever you're doing, you're doing it right. Don't change!
My 2 cents are :: Slow scrolling (and I mean as slow as the fixture will go so it's virtually not even noticable) for the front lights, with some nice scenes spread across the rear of the stage and a foot controller like the FC400 and you're good to go.
I would agree. You don't want those lights changing all the time, it becomes a distraction for band and audience. Slower the better.
I wouldn't steer another player wrong.