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I want to upgrade to intelligent lights for my mobile business. The last lights I owned I like to call “bowling alley” lights. Aggressor, 6 Head Helicopter, Mace, etc... in-other-words, non-DMX or intelligent type of lights.

I’ve been looking into the new Fusion Scan 250EX and want to buy 4 of them. I have a few questions regarding these lights and intelligent lights in general. Sorry, I’m a new-be when it comes to intelligent lights.

It says they are sound activated.
If I decide to wait on buying a DMX Programmer, will the lights SLOW down while I’m playing a slow song? I don’t want them moving rapidly while I’m playing a slow song.

What else do I need to run all 4 of these Fusion Scan lights along with a DMX Programmer?
Do I need a Dimmer Pack as well?

I was thinking of buying the Elation DMX Programmer, would this be compatible with the 4 fusion scan lights? Is this too much of a Programmer for the 4 lights, should I maybe look into a smaller or less expense Programmer?

I’m sure I’ll have more questions as I get some friendly response.

Thanks for your time,

Original Post
Welcome to the forums. for the fusion scans they can run in master/slave mode as well. that means you hook them up with dmx cables but no controller and asign one as a master and the rest as a slave and the slaves will follow the master. as far as sound active it really depends on the sound they move really to the thump of the bass. i usually recommend a dmx controller right away with the lights that way you get used to programming. the dmx programmer should be fine for your application but it is a little more of a learning curve compared otthe dmx operator 192. and no for dmx lights you do not need a dimer pack, in fact NEVER plug a dmx light into a dimmer pack as it can dmage the motors. i can offer more advice as you need. Sincerely,

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