Greetings, my integrated USB was damaged, I bought a new one, I need to install the firmware on the new integrated pic18f65j50, what is the procedure to install it from scratch, please?

Greetings, my integrated USB was damaged, I bought a new one, I need to install the firmware on the new integrated pic18f65j50, what is the procedure to install it from scratch, please?
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Hi, i am asking our service team to advise me on this, i will let you know.
Grateful is that I have problems because the tps76933 3.3v regulators on the enable pin have 3.3 volts that also go to power on the integrated pic but the regulators are not enabled because I imagine that they should have less voltage on the enable pin there is a resistance of 100 k the r15 which divides the voltage 3.3v and power on but because there are 3volts in power on how much should there be that's why I'm not sure why the vms 4.1 doesn't recognize the usb that's why I want the firmware, thanking you for your response there will be the possibility of knowing how check if pic18f65j50 is good
Hi, please call our support Tech Kevin when you are with the unit and a laptop or computer:
Kevin C Picard (KC)
1800-322-6337 EXT 754
Greetings, it is impossible for me to call you because I live in Venezuela, I speak Spanish, I thought you could send me the firmware and the way to program it with software via USB. It will not have WhatsApp email, the thing is that before the VMS 4.1 suffered damage to the voltage input, I am an electronic laptop technician and I know how to program pics and bios. I am repairing the VMS 4.1 but I don't know, now the PC doesn't recognize it but it does. In the system device you can see that there is communication, the problem is that before it was fine, I injected voltages through this stage and it recognized it and worked with virtual DJ but suddenly an LED on the mast worked until it didn't, the question is that power on has 3 volts and does not enable the voltage input regulators I want to repair it but I don't know if the pic ic is really damaged although it does not heat up and turns on the LEDs of the logarithmic potentiometers I want to know if I am sharing an ic what is the way to program it But I can't via phone since I'm in Venezuela, my language is Spanish.
Software version 3.11 is for the VMS4 and not the 4.1.
Can you confirm which model controller you're attempting to update?
my controller is VMS 4.1
Greetings, I was waiting for the vms 4.1 controller firmware, it didn't give me any more response, mine only turns on the LEDs of the logarithmic or round potentiometers and the PC or virtualdj doesn't recognize it. I need to reinstall the firmware or how to reset the controller if I don't have to buy The integrated usb is the pic18f65j50 and that is the latest and what the process would be like, I am waiting for your response, thank you....