I'm glad someone brought this up. I just got a Velocity and it came with a free Mixer and Case and boy the SKB case is lovely but the cables makes it hard to install the controller over the cd unit. Is there anyway AMDJ can make optional cables for the Velocity for us people that dont have enough space to work with in our cases? I think if the cables were like the ones that you use in a PC to connect each drive to the motherboard would easily fix the problem. I love my Velocity but it'd be much better with thinner cables.
I was kind of puzzled when I first hooked up the unit without the case on a table and there's 4 rubber feet on the bottom of the controller. But there's no way you can set it on the table flat because the cable connectors sticks out further way more than the rubber feet on the unit. It would be nice if they take this into consideration soon and come out with some new cables to replace the original ones. Cause honestly, I hate knowing that one of these days these cables are going to go bad on me in the middle of a gig from the pressure that I'm putting on them just to mount the unit flush in the case.
Thats the picture of my brand new Velocity. Just got it in the mail yesterday.

It was taken without the cables hooked up and the real setup that I have now is with the control at the bottom and mixer up top. Wish I had an extra rack space so I can just move up the mixer and controller then the cables would be free from bending it so bad. Oh well, the tech support guy told me that they do the same with their test units or whatever and they had no problems with it. I'll keep my fingers crossed on that one!