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I have 3 Ultra Hex Bar 6 fixtures that were gifted to me yesterday. In testing these fixtures today, I've come across a strange behavior on all three and I'm hoping there is a simple answer.

I'm using Q Light Controller Plus through a ENTTEC DMXUSB PRO. I've used this combo with loads of other fixtures from various vendors including ADJ without any issues. All three of these Ultra Hex Bar 6 fixtures only work as expected in 6,7 and 18 channel modes. It seems like any channel mode (8 and 12) that have some type of macro and auto-modes are not working. I can't get ANY lights to come on. I've verified that all macro/auto/strobe channels are set to zero, then bring up one or more color faders along with the master dimmer channel and they just don't light up at all.

I'm truly hoping I'm just missing something. Yes, I did read the manual as well as verify the channel assignments on 8 and 12 channel modes in the fixture definition for the software.


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