According to the manual, which it is obvious you have also gone over, you have noted there is not an "auto/sound active" mode on this fixture. If I were to purchase one, based on what I see in the DMX charts and how I would use it, I wouldn't need an auto-sensing mode, but that's me knowing my application.
To get such a functionality, it would be necessary to see if the unit has the necessary parts. It does. To do a sound active mode, it has to have a microphone, and it has a sound active mode IN stand alone mode. To add this, the best bet would be to put in a feature request to support and see if R&D feels it is worth developing. My guest would be that you'd probably want to match a setting in Channel 1 wiht a setting in Channel 2 to get the exact effect you'd want.
Now, despite their being a data cable plug for DMX/Master-slave purposes, I don't think it can be used for transferring new firmware to the unit. My thoughts are that assuming ADJ would put this feature in, you'd most likely have to purchase a new ROM chip for the fixture. I can't see why adding a new feature would require a whole new mainboard redesign, should just be simple firmware re-doing. Pardon the over-simplification, I've written modem firmware, and I know what it can take to make a successful chipset and firmware(I did hardware design for modems too...).
My impression is that ADJ listens to customers and takes care of them best they can. In some cases, they can't please everyone all the time. If enough people start making demands or requests, I doubt ADJ would ignore that. They'd probably put together some ongoing product support team to evaluate client requests and suggestions to determine what features to add into new and existing products, in addition to steering new product direction.
Then again, I could be wrong. But somehow, I get the impression ADJ actually cares about us, their end users.
Like, I'd like to see the Starball DMX with just white LED's but the colored lenses of the Sunray LED, but the DMX functionality of the Sunray 3-LED DMX fixture. Call it the Sunray III LED DMX.
But, I also like the concept of the color changing. I like the idea of "fixed colors" but also the functionality of making it say, all red, or all blue