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Alright, been awhile since I have been on here, but need to ask about some lighting for a stage set up. This one is for my work, so got a little bit of a bigger budget.

This is a set up that will be shared between 2 groups, one is a "Top 40's Band" with a horn line and the other is kinda like a Brass Band/Hip Hop set up with a 6 person hornline front and a rhythm section.

Now think high school auditorium type venue with a stack of speakers on each side of the stage. Behind these stacks I an thinking a light stand (MBT LTS-1) with 4 AMDJ 64 LED pros, so that is 4 pars on each side of the stage. In front between 3 monitors will be 4 Mega Bar Pros doing some uplighting, set up like (hope this makes sense) _X_X_X_ with the _ being the mega bars and x being the monitors.

So first question....that should be enough to light up the band,right?

Next, behind the band will be 10' X 10' trussing with a lycra screen stretched behind it. I am thinking 8 AMDJ 38 LED Pros on the top, pointed towards the crowd, maybe down a little to hit the back of the band, 4 on the floor to light up the two sides of the trussing and to illuminte the screen when videos and slides are not being shot from behind with a projector. Should I go crazy and add 4 more 38's down the side of the trussing or is that just too much?

To run it all I was thinking the Elation Magic 260 and a cable splitter.

The next stage when we get next years budget will be to add four towers (2 8' 2 6' trussing with base plates) lit up with 38 LED Pros and some sort of moving light, possibly an AMDJ Vizi LED Spot, sitting on top. Maybe add a 64 LED Pro to add some side lighting too?

So, am I crazy, stupid, drunk with the possibility of using other peoples money to play with lights, or am I thinking alright here?
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You forgot one thing. Stage dimensions. How wide and how deep? Max height the lights will be or could be at? I know you mentioned the 10 wide and 10 tall truss "goal" but how high will the other lights be? If I can know how high the lights will be and how wide and deep the stage is I can help you out better.
It will vary from stage to stage. We perform at high schools, colleges, public auditoriums, etc. So biggest would probably be (big guess here) 50' W X 30' D. Even with larger stages, we tend to stay somewhat compact and leave the empty space on the sides and behind the band. By the way, I really suck at guessing dimensions.
I posted a reply in a thread titled "Lights for a small band" where I discuss something similar.

I did several outdoor shows with the lighting gear I mentioned in that post.

I also worked a couple of clubs last year on a fairly steady basis (one since went to installed and the other is bankrupted....sigh) anyway, I used a similar set up inside as well with six first generation P64LEDs and six Par 38 (incandescent flood lights) on a LTS50T light stand w/10 ft I-beam as you described.

I built a "top hat" that had a 2 ft pole attached with a "T" crossbar on top that fit on top of my speaker stacks. The JBL 2-15 mains and 2-18 subs I used were 89 inches tall. The ceiling was 10 ft at the one club, and we scraped it every time we set up.

The stage was 24 inches above the floor and measured 20 ft wide and 16 ft deep.

With all the neon advertising lighting and the florescent lights left on over the bar and mechanical bull (yeah, it's Oklahoma, a country rock bar...) the place was bright enough without stage lights to read a newspaper.

We were able to put enough color on the stage to "get the point across" and by using color from the back line, we got the emotional or visual effect of the color we wanted.

Using unscientific estimates, it was about 6 ft from the P64LED to the nearest performer and about 16 ft from the front lighting to the drummer...we had plenty of lights.

My opinion is that you will be fine with the set up you suggested...four ADJ 64LED Pros on each front corner with four Mega Bar Pro for up lighting and the eight 38LED Pro on the I beam trussing...and four more 38LED Pro for up lighting on the background screen.


If I were to suggest any changes...I might consider using more "LED bar devices" across the I beam truss. My personal experience is that a bar creates more emotion and excitement with the multi colors and patterns than a Par 38 LED...even if the 38LED Pro actually puts out as much or more lumens, the visual impact of the bars will catch the audience...

I would set it up so that the LED bar devices were left attached (I use O clamps for attaching things, you can use "whatever".) and pre wired to the two 5ft section of truss...and probably go ahead and run at least one vertical on each of the two tripod stands for the I beam. (quicker set up)

Then I would consider reducing the "eight 38LED Pro" to just four...two per 5 ft I beam section aimed to backlight the band members.

As for getting other people to pay for lighting that YOU get to keep...Good luck...unless you are working for "no salary" and your compensation is eventual ownership of the hardware at the end of the "tour" or season...

I wish you success and fond memories when you get to be my age...ya young whipper snapper.

I started doing this in 1965 and stopped in 1972 when I went into law enforcement...started back in mid 2000 just before I retired.

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