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sorry i didnt see this post ealrier. i personally have not used the scan trons. i have the performance scans. scan trons MAY be a lil jumpy. but i cant say for sure. thing you got to remember is that the scan tron is a club light and was not really intended for slow fades and stuff like that. might want to go with a higher end light. like a accu scan. or try to find a performacne scan. they are discontinued but still out there. that is just my opinion. im pretty sure the scan tron can pull off a fade just dont know how well is what i am saying. sincerely,
Just a backing up of what Jingles said.

Before I get onto that, sometimes it takes a few days to get a reply sometimes. Patience is a virtue. If patience isn't a virtue, there's phone numbers.

Pretty much most moving header/scanner units use some sort of stepper motors. The price of the fixture will tell you things like "how smooth" it will go, with higher price meaning smoother movement. Speed can usually be controlled via another controller in the same fixture IF the fixture has that sort of functionality. Most of the more expensive ones do since people expect more out of those type of lights.

Club-type lights differ from show-type lights. First off, price, unless it's a high-end club(which would use show lights). In most clubs, lights are just "icing on the cake" since most are there for the booze, atmosphere and hoping to score while not inheriting some STD. While lights are important, they aren't a focus and nobody is going to complain that the stepper motors do quick and jerky movements.

Now, I have a moving head fixture, and I can alter how fast it performs movements via a controller, going from fast to slow, in addition to controlling all aspects of it's movement, such as I can always move it slower than the fixture will allow me to move it, but if I don't have that speed setting cranked and I need to zip from A to B fast, I might not be super happy.

My advise: Spend more. It grows with you. BUT, if you're primarily doing smaller jobs, heck, save the money going with the cheaper fixtures. Your audience won't notice the "lack of features" and will still enjoy the lights.

When it comes to those I directly compete with, their idea of a light show is 4 par 64's or 56's on each side of the stage running a random pattern off a relay pack(1 pack per bank of 4). My idea of a light show has specials and a controller and actual control. I'm more picky than my clients.

Figure out who you ultimately want to please. In my case, I'm selfish: me. My audiences don't really appreciate anything, so I'll do a good job and let them benefit even if they don't say anything. Chances are, if you're picky, please yourself and your audience will love you. Please them and they'll still love it too but therse so many other factors to keep in mind.

Remember, you're in this for the money. Act like it.
(I say this after just spending $13K on new gear, after already having spent over $250K on new gear in the past 10 years)

Thanks for the reply. I just bought 2 Accu Scan's from eBay that were used but look and work like they are new! They are real sweet! The movements are real smooth! And the fixrues are real bright!

Now I just need to figure out how to use the DMX Partner Controller and get it programmed for the ACCU SCAN shows (it was used for the ACCU SPOTS)

Also: I got a new ScanTron 250 off ebay for a real low price. I must say.. Don't get a ScanTron. They are not bright, they have a ring of light that sneeks past the edges of the Gobo's, and the movements are horriable! Way too fast and jerky!
Last edited by Jingles

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