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I have finally gotten the Operator 192 after a month and a half back order so I finally have all the pieces to play with now. I have 6 par can 64 LED pros, and Revo III. After setting up four of the 64 64 Pros and the Revo III. I can get the lights to work with the Operator 192. Here are my channels Par 64 lights 1, 17, 33, 49 and the Revo III address at 65. The Revo is ADDr 65 and at the 10 channel set-up. On the Operator 192 board the only slider that works for it is #1. I have also tried the Revo in channel 1 ADDr and in both 4 and 10 channel with the same results. When I slide it up and down the pattern changes as it gets to the top. None of the other sliders seem to do anything. It runs about a 5 second pattern that is selected, stops and then goes to the pattern that you would get if it is plugged in in the show mode for the first time. I have been practicing saving scenes with the Revo included but because it stops they do not look very good yet. I will keep on practicing with that. Does music have to be on for the unit to continue and keep the pattern going? Is there a reset on the Revo III? Why would it not work correctly? Thanks for the help!
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