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Hi newbie here so please go gentle with me please.

On monday i acquired 8 second hand par 64 pro LED lights.

Last night one of the cans just went dead,it worked but then just died. No lights on the back are coming on. Ive the checked the fuse and its okay. Can anyone shed any light (pardon the pun) but more importantly are they repairable.

Also i'm using my lap top and the programme 'Showcontroller' Alien aparatus. I seem to only be able to get three channels working,rgb...but no strobe effects et. I read they have 2 settings one 3 channels,one 6 channels but without the manual and everytime i try to download it via the web,my Adobe Acrobat freezes.

Sorry if this is long winded and in the wrong section but ive scoured the forum and can't find any answers.

Cheers in advance for any help

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I wish I could say I know what the issue is but I can't without looking at the unit. To solve the issue we would need to do process of elimination on parts. If you would like to have your unit serviced by the ADJ Service team please call us at 800-322-6337 to obtain an RA# with shipping instructions.
Don't trust the fuse unless you test it. I had a fuse blow one time right before a show, and while it LOOKED fine, I did not have a meter with me that could test it. I marked it with some console tape and tested it again at home. Bad fuse.

I normally carry a tone generator/cable locator, a cable tester with a tone function and a meter that can emit tone for continuity testing. Get something like this and keep it with your tools. ALWAYS!!

Repairable? The ADJ guys are great. I had to have repairs on 3 of mine. No problems now!

Only 3 channels working? Are you in 3 channel mode? what mode are you in? It sounds like you either have your channels set wrong on your lights or in your software. Run your lights in 7 channel mode, as you get all the goodies and functionality in the best way possible.

As far as Adobe Acrobat, you upgraded to MSIE 9, right? Get something else or right-mouse click and save to your drive, then open it. It's a better way anyways to do things.
Hi Chris thanks for the reply.

I have just rung the repair chap thats looking into fixing the light. The transformer has died but unfortunately there are no markings on the transformer so we don't know how to look for a replacement.

Can anyone shed any light on the voltage etc,we are based in the UK.

Cheers Gino

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