I am running MyDMX on a PC laptop in my church auditorium. The laptop (MS Windows XP SP3) is in our control booth, and plugged into an outlet in there. We have approximately 30 fixtures in the DMX chain, ranging from Venue LED Par64s, to Chauvet LED Colorpalettes, and some 2000 watt dimmer packs (packs are each on their own circuit).
Sometimes when I plug a Macbook charger into an outlet in the control booth, our entire dmx lighting system goes BLACK for a couple of seconds, and then turns back on. Sometimes it causes the green blinking LED light on the MyDMX dongle to stop blinking, and therefore I have to close software, disconnect usb, reconnect usb, and reopen software to reestablish the connection. We are currently on our second dongle because the first one "fried". Not sure how or why it fried, but that was the term of whoever I talked to at American DJ about it. I currently have the laptop plugged into a power surge protector in the control booth. This issue is obviously related to power, but I need to keep it from happening.
1: Why does this happen (go black when other appliances are plugged in nearby outlets)?
2: And how can I keep this from happening again?
It has not happened during a service yet, but I am nervous that it will at a moment that is not convenient. Every time someone runs a vacuum cleaner or plugs something else in that draws a good amount of power, it happens.
p.s. I am running the latest version of software. I really believe it is a power issue but can't seem to avoid it from happening.
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