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Let me first start off by saying I am not a Lighting Person; I am just getting my feet wet in this arena. I was brought in to help with a small bars lighting and I was just the PC tech. SO here is the Situation I have a show file that was built by a guy who is not welcomed back due reason I will not go into. We have 4 Moving Heads that are Chinese MZMLING 2 in 1 Beam/Spots. They are 18 channel and currently patched using the Intimidator hybrid 140sr ssl file. Which is funny cause that is a 19 channel fixture but whatever it works. 2 of them have died and I can't find EXACT replacements and honestly, I don't want to buy anything off AliExpress anyway. I have 2 new ADJ Pocket Pro's and they are perfect for the Stage where the old ones were. My issue is of course these are totally different fixtures and need new scenes built. I don't have the time to really learn all this in a couple weeks. Wondering if anyone out there maybe has done this, has time, and would be willing to edit the show for the new lights to do the same things as the old ones in the same position they were mounted. Yes I understand there may be some functions that can't be moved because they are not supported. that probably fine. the current show only does basic functions. Pan, tilt, color change, strobe. nothing complicated. I feel like someone who knows what they are doing could probably knock this out quick assuming this is even possible. Money is on the table for this of course as well, how much we could discuss in a PM.

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