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Hi, I am about to buy MyDMX Go to control my fixtures. I have several moving heads that will have different functions. Some should be programmed to move and some are just static, aimed to a certain spot on the stage. Will the automation move ALL movable fixtures, or how do you choose which ones the automation moves. The same goes with the colors. Do all fixtures follow the color changes, or can you choose which colors to change? I am talking about the LIVE page, I know I can control individual fixtures or group of fixtures ffom the fader page

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Based on your criteria, I wouldn't recommend. the GO, the Go is meant for easy to set up and use and have movement and color running. you can have some fixtures moving while others are static but you need to set it up in the faders first and record the preset.
The Live page you wont be able to set any of that from the live page it will require you to set faders and store presets to do most of that.

Seems like you need the WMX1 where you can control groups of fixtures more easily and set positions easily.

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