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I just patched my 4 ADJ Fusion Scan 250 EX. In the 3.0 software (or event in 5.0) I can Turn beam on, but I am not able to turn beam off. I fact, I can't control the shutter, maybe it is the reason why.

Also, gobos are does not reflect logos with my scan are showing.

Is it a question of profile ?

Thanks for your help !

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Thanks for your help! I have installed your update. Everything is fine except for two things:

1. regarding the gobo order: I opened the file and changed the order to reflect the sequence I have with my scan. (see attached file)

2. When I don't use any gobo, the strobe function works perfectly. However, when I use any gobo except for the first one (open), the strobe function stops working and starts alternating between gobos.



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