Not exactly, if you really want to get technical about it.
Even at full off(DMX value of 0), a DMX pack(any flavor) is going to put out a tiny bit of voltage. In time, the fixture will build up enough voltage and discharge. This discharge is merely the fixture using up the electricity in it, and that will also mean the bulb may flash, which is what's going to be the biggest issue. But that's not all. Some of my DMX fixtures reset on a power cycle, and maybe yours will do. This micro-voltate will in turn damage your motors as well. That in turn will possible cause gear damage. Maybe your gobo wheel will become dislodged and screw the rest of your optics?
Seriously, that could all happen. The most likely thing to happen is the bulb will bite the big one. Your motors could burn out but that would take much more time, and since you're not running them like a maniac putting 4 times the power into them, you probably won't smell them burning out.
Install a power strip to power it off, or yank the cable. Most of the restaurants I end up doing weddings at do their lights off a bank of light switches. It's fine to power the fixture on during club hours and then power it off at close. That's OK. It's the bringing it up and down stuff for dimming that those bulb dislikes.
I put a simple strobe on a relay pack and the darn thing would keep going off from time to time. I had to install a night light on the other plug on the dimmer pack channel to absorb up and use up the electricity so it wouldn't be available for the strobe. The night light bulb would use anything that was available, so there was nothing for the little strobe to absorb. I think it's the ADJ Big Shot or the smaller version. It's dinky.
Sorry for the scare tactics. I've seen the best and almost the worst in the world of professional. I am presenting a near worse case scenario. The chances of a major catastrophic failure causing the fixture to massively short out and burn your building to the ground is also there, but chances are something else will fry out first and totally render your fixture incapable of passing electricity.