The midi con uses the generic Microsoft midi driver so there really is no installing it. it is plug and play. Here is what i am finding, you can plug in the midi con, program your scenes, and then you can learn the scenes to the buttons on the midicon. You can then link the channel faders below the scenes in the user tab to a fader on the midi con. The wheels are not usable on the midi con on my dmx, only the faders, buttons, and touch pads are allowed to be mapped. for over riding the faders though you have to enable either HTP or LTP on the channel fader first to be able to control it live. this could be tedious if you have a lot of fixtures that you want to over ride together. I'm going to suggest a few things and I will see if they can change it. I hope I answered all your questions. This is a good midi controller for my dmx but the program makes it somewhat limited. For the best control with a midi con check out the compu Show program.