@Jingles8302 would you be able to create an SSL for me please? It's a generic brand basic RBG par. I've really been thrown off by the channel 6 & 7 relation!
Ch1 - Dimmer: 0-255
Ch2 - Red: 0 off, 1-255 brightness
Ch3 - Green: 0 off, 1-255 brightness
Ch4 - Blue: 0 off, 1-255 brightness
Ch5 - Shutter: 0-7 off, 8-255 strobe
Ch6 - 0-10 manual control (of ch1-5), 11-60 color selection (colors controlled by ch7), 61-110 color fade (colors controlled by ch7), 110-160 color pulse (colors controlled by ch7), 161-210 color transition (colors controlled by ch7), 211-255 sound active
Ch7 - 0-255 color selection/color shade