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I've bought a box of wireless DMX boards from Aliexpress and they're working very well so far in the fixtures I've modded so I reckon the next step is to add one to the DMX 3.0 dongle.

The tidiest solution would be to take a USB supply from the controlling PC and split to full USB for the MDMX 3 dongle and a +5V supply for the DMX PCB then fix both into an enclosure.

Easy enough to do but I've not been able to find the current requirements for the MyDMX 3 dongle. I'm guessing it won't be anywhere near 2A but before I spend a morning building a box that doesn't work maybe someone can let me know if it's well below the maximum current from a USB output?


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Hi Jingles, thanks for the doc you sent. It gave me the confidence that what I wanted to build would be within spec of the DMX 3.0 dongle and USB output without wasting my time to find out.

There's been no modification the dongle itself but I managed to shoehorn in some USB splitter cables and adapters along with a wired XLR socket (and a pair of LEDs and 220Rs for output confirmation) into a small project box alongside a generic wireless DMX board from Aliexpress.

Been running it this afternoon and it works perfectly in wireless mode. There's another DMX 'tester' in the wired output just to confirm my wiring is OK.



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